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So, a few have asked “What are you going to do with all those socks…?” 

Below is my answer…

For the next two Saturdays (Jan 11th & Jan 18th 8AM-10AM), we are going to mob out into the streets of Atlanta to pass out every sock that we collected this past Saturday (to our brothers and sisters who live on the streets). We are asking people to come out with us to join a few members on our team distribute these socks….

How will this be different? Simple. Our approach is different…

Instead of the normal passing out things and leaving, we want to encourage people who serve with us to discover stories, learn needs, and build relationships. A restorative work cannot happen if trust and a relationship is not established. Additionally, we are creating consistency among this important population, not events.

I envision #lovebeyondwalls being both a mobilization agency (of doers) but also a collaborative organization that partners with other groups and individuals who desire to make a difference in the world (not one time a year, but every single day).

If you’d like to serve with us the coming two Saturdays, hit us up [HERE] or shoot an email to the email on the flyer…




Terence Lester

Author Terence Lester

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