We are currently seeking an Operations Development Coordinator (ODC) to assist us in our successful mobile hand sanitation efforts expanding nationwide.
We are seeking to fill this position locally (in Atlanta).
This is currently an Emergency 12-month position with the potential to transition into a long-term position.
To apply please follow these three basic steps:
- Take the synergist quiz (https://predictablesuccess.com/styles-quiz/)
- Answer these two questions: How do you think you would add value to LBW? Why do you want to join this organization?
- Attached these answered questions to your resume and submit by 2/5 (midnight is the cutoff)
Please send all completed action items to info@lovebeyondwalls.org
Basic Job Description
Love Beyond Walls is a non-profit in Atlanta, Georgia serving people currently experiencing homelessness or living in extreme poverty by providing visibility, shelter, community, grooming, and support services as stepping-stones toward self-sufficiency.
Purpose & Scope of work: We are currently seeking an Operations Development Coordinator (ODC) to assist us in our successful mobile hand sanitation efforts expanding nationwide and help lead programs. The (ODC) will collaborate directly with the Executive Director (ED) to help grow our organization’s sanitation campaign and increase sustainability and transparency with corporate and non-profit partners. The (ODC) will work to secure corporate funding and will be responsible for the operational success of Love Beyond Walls Nonprofit ensuring seamless team management and development, program delivery, and quality control and evaluation.
Soft Skills: The (ODC) must be passionate about serving people living in vulnerable populations and committed to the efforts of Love Beyond Walls to serve with people as they take steps toward self-sufficiency. The (ODC) must have an innovative, positive, and collaborative work ethic to think outside the box to meet emerging and unprecedented needs during COVID-19 and beyond.
Key Responsibilities:
- Collaborate with the ED to design content and implement Love Beyond Walls plans and procedures for our mobile hand sanitizing stations;
- Oversee development of Love Beyond Walls and the work of team leaders;
- Meet comprehensive, progressive goals for expanding our mobile hand sanitizing stations;
- Secure corporate sponsorship and fiscal support to continue our expansion efforts;
- Provide innovative and creative insight into our work to better serve people currently experiencing homelessness or people living in extreme poverty during a crisis; and
- Collaborate with public officials to secure approval and celebration of our successful hand sanitation efforts.
- Work with staff to develop objective performance measurements across all sites, to ensure consistent, high-quality evaluation and goal setting for all employees.
- Instill a sense of accountability among team members by modeling tight oversight of individual and organization performance standards.
Education and Experience: At least 5-10 years of experience serving people experiencing homelessness or living in extreme poverty; documented experience working in the non-profit or education sector; experience with successful grant writing. Preferred University degree.
Job Knowledge, Competencies & Skills: Experience successfully collaborating and running a team; understanding of non-profit functioning; Demonstrable competencies in planning, performance, and operation metrics; excellent leadership and collaboration abilities.
LBW Team