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Today is officially the 30th DAY of #closetstrike! I have been in one outfit for 30 DAYS straight… Why? to help elementary school students.

While doing the strike, #lovebeyondwalls  has experienced some pretty cool things… We officially collected over 300 cases of water for those who are homeless in Atlanta.


Initially, when we came up with the idea to collect water it was because I had found out that one of my  homeless friends I was working with was hospitalized due to dehydration.

I thought… I wonder why? Then it dawned on me that homeless people have very little access to public water! It is very hard access water and stay hydrated if you are homeless. Therefore, we decided to launch #projectTHIRST to keep those we encounter living on the streets hydrated with the basic necessity of water. Every human deserves dignity in a glass of water (no matter where they may lay their head a night)…

Therefore, over the last three weeks, we have distributed water to those who lack public access to water. It has been amazing!













In a week or so, #lovebeyondwalls will partner with the Salvation Army (In Atlanta) & It’s Just a Dream to serve those in the Pittsburgh community of the 11th of this month.

To learn more about how to get involved in what we are doing email



Terence Lester

Author Terence Lester

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