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This morning, I have to be honest… I asked myself & God, “Can I really do this?” “Can I really get prepared in 50 days?” 

I tried making excuses… “Maybe I can do something else…Or, maybe I can find somebody else to do this with me… Or, better yet… Maybe I can say it is too hard…”

Then I shook myself out of it, and gave myself what “kid president” calls, “A Pep Talk…people” 


Why did I ask these questions and make these excuses though? Because I looked at my weight on the scale yesterday, and surprisingly the scale revealed a shocking number that not only pained me, but revealed how unhealthy I have lived (in my eating habits) over the last few years. Are you ready? I weigh 260lbs (I need to lose 25-30lbs)… This is the most I have ever weighed in my life. Of course, I am big guy, but I am not comfortable with that.

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As a matter of fact, my “weight” number shocked me so much I dropped down on the floor and asked God to help me get my life healthier so I can be transformed personally, and physically prepare to raise awareness for my homeless friends. Isn’t it amazing that before we can fully help others we must be willing to transform ourselves?

I know we all make health commitments throughout the year, and soon break them with inconsistency. But, when I saw this something happened in me… I was reminded of how important my health is, and how important it is to remain healthy if you are homeless (living on the streets)…

When I was homeless for 72 hours, I encountered many people who had medical conditions that were life-threatening. In fact, many people revealed how those conditions increased when they started living on the streets with no resources.

I clenched my fist, looked at the scale and said… “I’ve got to change… I’ve got to beat this so I can raise more awareness for my friends…Lord, I can do all things through you… NO EXCUSES…”

Ever feel like you need supernatural strength to make it? Well, over the next 49 days that’s what I am going to rely on (God’s strength).

Yesterday was rough, but I found support…I reached out to an old friend that does personal training… His name is Lucien. We attended the same High School (Westlake), and it “just so happened” that he lives in the neighborhood across the street and runs “bootcamps” at parks. Without thinking, he told me he’d help me train to get the weight off for this big challenge that I am about to embark on in 49 days. I agreed and began exercising yesterday along with changing my eating habits (water only, and clean foods).

THIS IS HARD PEOPLE… I had two meetings in Chick-Fil-A yesterday. LOL.

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Can you do something to help? Yes! I need you to pray, hold me accountable via social media, and push me until I am ready to reveal #lovebeyondwalls‘ next challenge to raise awareness about one of many social ills we care so much about.



Terence Lester

Author Terence Lester

More posts by Terence Lester

Join the discussion 5 Comments

  • Josh Davis says:

    I am so proud of you, my brother. For your willingness to hit this thing head-on and be open about your challenges. I believe God will honor your desire to become more healthy, and that He will build some amazing things into you in the next 49 days and beyond. You are absolutely right that our bodies must be in shape for the spiritual battles God puts in front of us. It’s all connected, by His design. Cheering you on, Josh

  • keralynn says:

    Your in my prayers

  • Sarah Jennings says:

    Terrance even when it get tough you will make it because your reasoning is so you can be healthy to help others. You can do it.

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