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The Countdown Begins (5 DAYS LEFT VFH Ribbon)

“Why launch a homelessness ribbon?” I have been asked several times. Well, here’s the short answer is below:

When we go out and encounter many homeless individuals, we hear stories that are both heartfelt and filled with pain. Additionally, we realize that many of this people will never have a chance to express on a platform, or have thousands of ears listening to their experiences.

Although this may be true, we believe ALL people have stories that should be understood and respected.

Therefore, we decided to create a lime green ribbon that gives A VOICE to those who are often times forgotten. So, #lovebeyondwalls decided to launc a ribbon called, “Voice for Homelessness.” It’s a ribbon that is specifically is designed to give all those affected by poverty and the perils of life A VOICE! Below is a picture of our ribbon that contains our #lovebeyondwalls heart in the center!RibbonProfile copy
