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MAP16 Video – Part I

Terence shares his heart about his concern for those who are suffering, and talks a little about why he is trying to lose 50 pounds for Love Beyond Walls next campaign. We are officially 90 DAYS AWAY from attempting #MAP16
LBW Team

90 Days Away – MAP16

Today, makes 90 DAYS AWAY before our organization attempts to complete the most daring thing we have ever done on behalf of people in this country who need a voice! We can’t wait to share what ‪#‎MAP16‬ is… ‪map16_90days
LBW Team

Solomon's Temple – Serving Women

Yesterday was special! Why? Because we got a chance to serve tons of women for Mother’s Day at Solomon’s Temple (A Homeless Shelter for Women). We partnered with several orgs and businesses to serve moms in transition, and remind them that they have worth and value even in the midst of transition.

With the help of Ultra Violet Nails, Reveal Mag US, & Woodward Academy not only were we able to raise over 300 Purpose Purses, but we were also able to stuff them with hygiene items.

Below are a few pictures from “Celebrate Her.”Purse LinePurse PoseBus - Solomon's Temple
LBW Team

Woodward Academy Serves With Us!

This past Saturday, we had a group of young men from Woodward Academy serve those who are homeless in the city of Atlanta with us. We built many wonderful relationships with our homeless friends, but more than that the young men walked away with a greater understanding of poverty and those living on the margins. One young man even said, “Those without homes in this city are stronger than people think.”


LBW Team


Giving Tuesday – Dignity House!

Tomorrow is “Giving Tuesday!” Consider giving a small gift toward our goal to purchase a home for the homeless men we serve!

So far, we have raised a little over 14K toward this project, and only need less than 10K to start reach our goal to start mobilizing people. We are super super close!

Consider giving toward this project by clicking the image!



LBW Team