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1 Year Anniversary!

Next month, we will celebrate our one year anniversary! It has been an amazing journey with many blessings, challenges, and rewards. We are partnering with Midtown Bridge Church to have our “Christmas Party for a Cause” in Atlantic Station. This will be a time of celebration, but also a time of collecting toys/items for over 300 kids that could use hope through a gift of love! Below is the flyer! You can click the image to RSVP for free (with bringing a wrapped toy).



LBW Team

Barbershop. Closet. Shower!

In a few days, we are going to attempt the biggest project we’ve ever took on! We are going to serve the less fortunate by raising funds to convert the bus we were donated into a mobile barbershop, closet, and shower to serve the homeless and low income communities! We ask that you pray that God leads us in this process… Last year, we were sleeping under bridges, this year we want to rescue people from bridges to see life-change!


LBW Team

Historical weekend – DAYS 7-10

This past weekend, we partnered with Points of Light to mobilize 5 interns to help us take the seats out of the bus we were donated. They arrived, heard our vision, and instantly connected with the vision we are attempting to implement. Below are a few pictures, and clips from their service. We are going to launch our campaign to attempt to raise funds to finish our campaign… (this weekend also marks 10 days of no haircuts/beard shaving)




No Cuts for Love – DAY 6!

On Nov 1, myself and several people from our team launched a silent campaign to raise awareness about people who are in transition or are plagued with poverty and have a difficult time keeping themselves groomed. This campaign consists on men not shaving their beards or cutting their hair. For women, it means going natural and not cutting their hair. We have 55 more days to go!

Why do this? Because we are about to launch our next biggest campaign to serve men, women, and children in a mobile way! Check out the video below to see why haircuts are so important…Terence

Thanksgiving LOVE!

This Thanksgiving, we’re adopting two apartment complexes we’ve gotten a chance to know in College Park. If you’d like to contribute to our #lovebaskets, drop items off at our Love Beyond Walls Headquarters, or serve with us on this day by clicking [HERE]!

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LBW Team

No more haircuts!

About a month ago, we met a guy named Leonard digging through trashcans! We walked up to him, stopped him, and engaged into about a 45 minute conversation with him. During our conversation, we asked Leonard a very important question, “If you had one wish, what would you do with it….” Leonard paused, thought, and then said these words… “I WISH I COULD BE MADE OVER!”

He shared with us that he hadn’t showered in over two months, and he was too far from a shelter to walk to one. In fact, he was on the outskirts of Atlanta, and the nearest shelter was over 15 miles away.

I (Terence ) distinctly remember leaving there think to myself, “There has got to be a way to make people over….” Paul writes “that God has the power to make people a new creation through the good news (2 Corinthians 5:17)”

Well, to start the process of our next awareness campaign! I (and a few others) are going to go until next year without cutting our hair (starting Nov 1)…. This month also happens to be MOVEMBER (A month dedicated toward raising awareness about men health issues)

Why? I am glad you asked. Well, you’ll find out what we will attempt to do to help people like Leonard around the city of Atlanta! Pray that God continues to resource us to take #lovebeyondwalls

Watch the video below to see the bus…. Terence


Serving is GOOD!

This past weekend, 50 volunteers roamed the streets of Atlanta to reach those who are homeless and in transition! We served, shared the love of God, and touched hundreds of people in need. Below are a few pictures from our time serving below!

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LBW partners with Pretty Brown Girls!

Love Beyond Walls partners with The Atlanta Chapter of Pretty Brown Girls… 25+ young ladies (ages 4-10) host a hygiene party with their parents to serve those in need. Below are a couple of cool pictures of the young ladies and their parents serving!


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