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Gather Atlanta – Love Beyond Walls

On Saturday, December 23rd at 8am, we mobilized hundreds of volunteers and members of the community in downtown Atlanta for the fourth annual “Heat For the Streets” day of service.
We organized and partnered with the Historic Wheat Street Baptist Church to care for the homeless this Christmas.
There were various stations each with a different resource to aid the homeless and impoverished in the area including: grooming stations, medical stations, resources stations, soup stations, etc.
Heat For the Streets has turned into what we call “Gather Atlanta” which is a safe place for people in the community and volunteers from all backgrounds and walks of life to come together and serve those who are forgotten.
To give to our efforts, visit
#lovebeyondwalls #gatherATL

Gather Atlanta – Love Beyond Walls from Love Beyond Walls on Vimeo.

LBW Team

Hire Mark Campaign Starts NOW!

Starting on December 13th, Terence Lester, the founder of nonprofit, Love Beyond Walls, will stand downtown on the street corner with Mark Moore. Lester will put on a wooden sandwich board that reads, “HIRE MARK,” to raise awareness for those experiencing joblessness.

Mark is a middle-aged, educated, hard-working man who is currently experiencing homelessness. Love Beyond Walls has worked with Mark for almost a year, helping him secure documents like a birth certificate, social security card, and other identification he needs to get a job and housing.

Watch Mark’s full story here:

Mark realized, “You need help to transition out of homelessness. It takes more than yourself.”

Mark will be standing next to Terence in his suit with copies of his resume. This demonstration is to challenge the community to look at the opportunities placed in front of them and what opportunities they can share with others.  Terence and Mark will be standing outside on the street corner until Mark leaves for his first interview.

Click here to check out Mark’s resume.


Love Beyond Walls believes that the greatest way to lift someone out of the pits of poverty is to give them a community, longevity in relationships, and opportunity.

You can also listen to Mark on our new podcast talk about his struggle with homelessness, why he never begged for money, and what the year-long process of getting identification was like.

Three Ways You Can Help

  1. Check out his resume here and help him get a job by connecting him with someone you know or giving him an interview with your company. Fill out the contact form here and write *JOB FOR MARK* in subject line to contact Mark about a job.
  2. We have $3,000 left in our goal to fund Mark’s part-time employment at our organization while he transitions. Please consider donating towards that here.
  3. Share Mark’s story! The more people that hear Mark’s story, the closer we are to getting him a job! You can share the video, the podcast, or this blog post!

LBW Team

Wish List Christmas 2017

We are collecting toys to support many families in our community! If you’d like to contribute or volunteer, please reach out to us.

This Christmas, we are going to engage many community members that we consider family.

Thank you for your constant support.

LBW Team



About three weeks ago, our organization was offered a distribution deal for our documentary film “Voiceless.”

Although it was a huge opportunity, I (Terence) felt the pressure of having to entrust our message to many people who are not connected to the day-to-day work of fighting for those who are marginalized.

So, instead I (Terence) have chosen to make our documentary free to the public. Many would say this is foolish and insane to turn down a deal, but my heart has always been about educating, equiping, and moving people to care about those suffering with poverty in our country.

Therefore, if you have not seen our documentary and have always wanted to see it you can do so FREE of charge below.

Please read the disclaimer note to support our work!

Disclaimer Note:

After watching this film, you have three options to support Love Beyond Walls:

1) Go directly to our site and make a donation to our cause. Your support helps us to continue fighting poverty and homelessness (

2) Download a free 22 page workbook on our site at ( to get next steps and continue the conversation on poverty.

3) Share this film as it is an important message in our country.

Voiceless Screening Recap – Victory World Church/Fusion

On October 3rd, 500+ young adults gathered to watch our “Voiceless” documentary at Victory World Church in Fusion ATL – Check out a quick video that has initial responses from young adults that watched the film. Powerful.

To learn more or watch our documentary, please visit

Voiceless Screening Recap – Victory World Church/Fusion from Love Beyond Walls on Vimeo.

LBW Team

Trucks Made It To Texas + Packed Screening in Florida

We asked, and you showed up!

We had an overwhelming show of generosity in response to the devastation of Hurricane Harvey in Houston. Thanks to your donations these past few weeks, we’ve been able to resource two truckloads of basic necessities to Texas.

Special shout out to Mike Fye for driving down to deliver the much-needed supplies — thanks, Mike!

Screening at Genesis Church

This past weekend, we were invited to screen “Voiceless” in our third state — Florida! 

The screening was packed out with hundreds of people in attendance. We were blown away by the response! 

A big thanks to Genesis Church i

n Orlando for hosting us as we continue to bring attention to systemic poverty. 

If you’re interested in bringing this important film to your group, church, or organization visit

LBW Team

Hurricane Relief on the Way!

This hurricane season has been a rough one so far. Many people in Houston have lost everything they have to flooding and damage. 

Thanks to many generous donations, we’ve been able to resource two truckloads of basic necessities to send to Texas in the wake of Hurricane Harvey. These trucks are packed full of much-needed diapers, blankets, hygiene supplies, and more! 

We’re grateful to be able to serve those who are unexpectedly in crisis. 

LBW Team