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Kids Helping Kids!

Today, we got a chance to connect with Chatham Hill Elementary School and Ms. King’s 5th Grade class… These  students took it upon themselves to raise tons of shoes to support over thirty orphans in India (cared for by Faith India Ministries).

Not only is this awesome, but it was an opportunity to educate students on needs that exist in society and the world! Below is a picture of the kids uniting with the #lovebeyondborders wristbands.

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Dehydration story & Homelessness

Most people have asked, “Why in the world are we raising bottled water for the Summer?” Well, we went downtown and interviewed several homeless people about public water access, and found out that it is extremely hard to get water and even harder during the Summer months. Additionally, I almost lost a friend who is homeless due to dehydration, hypertension, and health conditions this year.

Therefore, we chatted with a brother named Skip, and he said that he’s had a struggle trying to get water everyday (even being put out of public places as a homeless person for trying to get water).

Here is a short clip below:

With the lack of public water for homeless people, this quote below by the National Healthcare for the Homeless becomes true:

Heat-related Conditions

“Persons who live on the streets or in shelters are at increased risk for dehydration in warmer climates, particularly during summer months. Be aware that diuretics can exacerbate dehydration and that limited access to water or bathroom facilities may interfere with treatment adherence.”

With these findings, #lovebeyondwalls is vowing to combat homeless dehydration for many homeless people this Summer by providing drinking water. Yep. That simple. Bottled water. If you would like to get involved, check out our flyer [HERE], or contact us.


Heartfelt News & A Mission

The other week, I received horrible news about one of the guys that we worked with that stayed under the bridge (Tent City). When I met him a few months back, he was struggling with his health. Therefore, we got him connected to an agency that provides healthcare, and he was doing well. Well, after they shut down “Tent City” he started to go downhill again.

I just found out that he was hospitalized due to dehydration, and other health conditions. This not only upsets me, but it has me thinking….

Would this have happened if we didn’t lose touch with him and many others that were displaced from living under the bridge.


This morning my heart is heavy, and I feel like we have to do something! Not just for Joe, but for others who may end up in the hospital this Summer!

I wonder how many more homeless men, women, and children do not have access to water in the city… I wonder how many are rushed to the hospital because of dehydration and health conditions… I wonder how many will be rushed to the hospital today…

Well, in honor of my friend Joe we are going to make sure every homeless person we encounter this Summer is hydrated. Please join us in our May campaign to raise water!

We are calling this #projectTHIRST… Below is the image!



Plant Love PAINT DAY (1)

Today is the first actual day that we were able to rally people around the office and paint! Why? Because we just secured our certificate to occupy paper yesterday. It’s the middle of April and a little behind, but definitely on track (God’s timing). Below is a panoramic picture of some of the team working today!

We are definitely excited about planting “LOVE” in ATL!!!!10260013_685362788167556_4563559948324472029_n


22 Days Left – 2,160 HOURS

I got a couple of text messages from a good friend this AM. It went something like this, “Bro, so you aren’t going to tell me the next awareness campaign?” I responded, “I thought I already told you…” Long story short, I didn’t…

Nonetheless, the text messaging conversation went back and forth for a while, and ended up inspiring me to go through with it even more… Honestly, the more I think about this particular campaign, I get even more nervous about doing it. I am normally a very adventurous person, but 90 DAYS is a long time. In fact, it will take 2,160 hours to complete!

I am literally 22 DAYS away, and it will not be easy! But, as I think about the possible impact it will have on impoverished families and children, the more God strengthens me. I am praying that God uses this next campaign to raise awareness, reach people, and mobilized people to love others the way that God loves people. I will release soon.

Below is a fun fact about the campaign:

