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Over 300 – Mobile Makeovers!

Yesterday, we got a chance to make it well over 300 makeovers! We had a young barber named Brittney come and volunteer her services to provide makeovers on the spot in Clayton County.

We met so many wonderful people while out serving! One man named JC was so gracious and encouraging… His words were very touching as he talked and shared his gratitude about life… He sat in the barber’s chair and talked about how God was taking care of him through those that served (in the midst of his hard times).

No. He wasn’t implying that he was a dependent person…

He was simply saying “even when I do not have anything, God finds a way to meet my needs…I couldn’t make it to church but the church came to me…”

He asked us to snap his before and after picture and share it with people to let folks know that he is a human being (although homeless), and he is grateful for those who give their time to uplift those who are oppressed and forgotten. After meeting JC, we connected him to further resources. Below are his pictures!


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We Won The Competition @ Plywood Presents

Yesterday, we found out that we won the idea competition at Plywood Presents! We got a chance to to pitch our idea in front of 800+ Plywood(ers) before five judges.

It was an amazing opportunity, and we cannot wait to get started with furthering our Mobile Makeovers project!

Below is a cool picture from the decision.


LBW Team

Producing Furniture & Art – Dignity Art

In the last two and a half weeks, we have produced 20 pieces of art out of reclaimed wood (giving dignity and work back to a man transitioning out of homelessness). His name is Bruce, and he is building back the pieces to his life (literally)!

This past weekend, we had a follower reach out and say that she wanted us to see if we could make her two end tables. Well, below is a picture of what we produced today (Bruce & Terence).

With the help of people donating wood and a few tools, we are creating art and helping a man find dignity through work through a program we are launching in the fall called Dignity Art. If you would like to get our program to design you a piece of art, email us at




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Surpassing our goal

Yesterday, we reached a goal that many thought was impossible! We hit our annual goal and made over 275 people in less than four months with the Mobile Makeovers bus!

After two and a half months of laboring to get the bus ready, the bus hit the road in May and has been giving people dignity since that historical month!

Today, we will begin to blow this goal out of the water by making more people over and connecting people to resources that will help them become self-sufficient!

Below is a picture of our 275th makeover! Thank you if you gave to this project!



LBW Team

Dignity Art

For the last year and a half, we have reached people from all walks of life! It has been an amazing journey, but recently God laid it upon our hearts to start working with guys transitioning out of homelessness in a different way! What way? I’m glad you asked. For the last two weeks, we have been showing guys how to take old reclaimed wood, and turn it into art – Dignity Art!

We have specifically worked with a guy named Bruce to build pieces of art, and allow our followers to make a bid toward those pieces (donating funds), and when the highest bidder wins, it creates an opportunity for us to compensate him for his work (employing him).

Below are a few pieces that he has designed, and two of his latest pieces. If you would like to learn more, email us at or if you would like to have a phrase placed on wood, let us know!



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Shop With A Purpose!

We now have a cool way to support our work in the community! We’ve been added to both Kroger & Amazon Community Rewards program.

Therefore, when you shop (if you select us) both of these companies will donate proceeds of what you’ve spent to our organization. How cool is that? Very cool.

Get started with Amazon [HERE]

Get started with Kroger [HERE]


LBW Team

202 Makeovers & Counting!

Today we made 202 Mobile Makeovers by partnering with the Atlanta Food Truck Park by serving the homeless community! Super grateful to work with such great people. 


LBW Team

Love Beyond Borders – Part II

This August, LBW is supporting orphans in India with school supplies this upcoming school year. Some of these orphans will recieve supplies for the first time through our program Love Beyond Borders.

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