Last week, we got a chance to partner with Midtown Bridge Church to serve the community with various items, and a worship service outside.
It was amazing to see people in the community come up for prayer, and trust God. Many were added to the family of God this past Sunday.
Below are a few pictures of the community being prayed for in College Park.
LBW Team
This month, we will be collecting new and gently-used purses and bags for women that are homeless in Atlanta for Mother’s Day. We will take these purses and stuff them with beauty items, sanitary items, and hygiene products so women can continue to stay clean this summer and the rest of the year! If you would like to donate, please inbox us, email us at info@lovebeyondwalls.org, or drop them off at our College Park location. Thanks for partnering with us!
LBW Team
This past week, we got a chance to partner with students and staff at Green Forest McCalep Christian Academy.
Together, we raised over 90K wipes for us to take on our next trip to Flint, Michigan. We can’t wait to serve single moms and those in need. So far, we have taken over 500K bottles of water, built relationships with two churches, and and have mobilized over 1000 people to be involved in this effort.
After partnering with GFMCA, we made the news in Flint. Check out the news clip that aired on Channel 12 News, and a picture of many kids who donated the wipes.
LBW Team
11 months ago, we launched our first Mobile Makeovers Bus and converted it into a Barbershop/Closet/Hygiene Station to serve those who live on the margins.
6 months into it, we made over 500+ homeless people in the city and referred over 1000 people to further services. Last August, we got a chance to pitch our shower trailer concept at Plywood People’s Plywood Presents and won the competition to start phase two of Mobile Makeovers!
Today, we are proud to announce we’ve finally secured our trailer and will begin our conversion process for the LBW Mobile Makeover Shower Trailer! Celebrate with us!
LBW Team
Each month, we partner with “Warehouse of Hope” to serve 300 families with groceries. This past week (Good Friday), we served over 100 families with resources and prayer.
We are grateful for the volunteers that came out to serve from Praise Academy this past Friday.
If you would like to contribute in any way, email info@lovebeyondwalls.org
LBW Team
This past week, a few groups donated the last few items needed for us to launch the “Free Laundry Room” in April.
Once we prep the room, we will install the washing machines, dryers, and detergent to serve families and homeless individuals that need a free place to wash their clothes with dignity. Below are a few pictures of items raised this past week.
Huge shout out to Revolution Church & The Soup & Savior Organization.
LBW Team
This past Saturday, we had a group of young men from Woodward Academy serve those who are homeless in the city of Atlanta with us. We built many wonderful relationships with our homeless friends, but more than that the young men walked away with a greater understanding of poverty and those living on the margins. One young man even said, “Those without homes in this city are stronger than people think.”
LBW Team
For the last six months, we’ve served families and homeless people in city and have noticed that many have a tough time washing their clothes! We are going to do something about it.
We are going to convert a room in our office into a small washroom to fill this need and give dignity to those that need a place to keep their personal items clean. Will you help? Email us to get involved.
LBW Team