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Update on Robert!

Received a phone call and picture yesterday from Robert! He yells and says, “It’s cold outside and I’m no longer homeless… I’m headed to church.” We are super happy for this young man who decided to take a step toward change! We are grateful God connected us… He has cleaned up well.


LBW Team


Historical weekend – DAYS 7-10

This past weekend, we partnered with Points of Light to mobilize 5 interns to help us take the seats out of the bus we were donated. They arrived, heard our vision, and instantly connected with the vision we are attempting to implement. Below are a few pictures, and clips from their service. We are going to launch our campaign to attempt to raise funds to finish our campaign… (this weekend also marks 10 days of no haircuts/beard shaving)




Thanksgiving LOVE!

This Thanksgiving, we’re adopting two apartment complexes we’ve gotten a chance to know in College Park. If you’d like to contribute to our #lovebaskets, drop items off at our Love Beyond Walls Headquarters, or serve with us on this day by clicking [HERE]!

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LBW Team

Interviewing – Short Film

We’ve started the process of shooting the short film, and piecing it together! We can wait to show it at Ga Tech on October 11th! Below is a couple we interviewed about there experience while serving with LBW.


LBW Team

Awesome Foundation – Closet Strike Materials!

Yesterday (Labor Day), we recieved noticed that we won the September grant from the Awesome Foundation (Atlanta Chapter) for our #closetstrike campaign. We will use these resources to build closets for Title 1 students.

You can click the image below to read the story on their national site.


LBW Team

Love Boxes help the Elderly!

Today, we were able to resource over 20 families with groceries (#loveboxes) because of our partnership with Warehouse of Hope! Because of their support we are able to resource elderly people who struggle with food lack.


LBW Team

Short film (Ga Tech LeCraw Auditorium)

We are excited! Yesterday we visited GA Tech, and snapped a few photos of the facility! This will be our first attempt to gather all of our social media videos, photos, and tell a unique story of why we exist and want to stay around. We ask that you support us by purchasing a ticket (if you haven’t already). You can get a ticket by clicking the image below. Every sale will go directly to helping us grow as an organization to reach more people!










Below are a few pictures, and a cold interview from John Springs (a homeless guy we met earlier this week).




First Documentary (Screening)

Georgia Institute of Technology
800 West Peachtree St NW
Atlanta, GA 30308

Love Beyond Walls is gearing up to show its first short documentary highlighting people in the trenches making a difference.

This movie will highlight working class people, homeless individuals, and many who live under desperate circumstances.

This short film will highlight the story of how our organization started, and where we are aiming to go to reach more people with God’s love. You will leave with a heart of compassion towards individuals that are under-served, and under-resourced.

To purchase early bird tickets, click [HERE] or the image below!


LBW Team

Students Benefit

After a couple weeks of work we have seen several students start to benefit from the #closetstrike journey! In fact, we got this picture from a partnering school this week. It was very touching!

Because people donated uniforms this school was able to resource three siblings this AM who lacked in their closet. The educator said, “They were sooooo happy with lots of personality! The little girl says “I feel so pretty now” God is awesome!” Thanks to everybody that donated.


LBW Team

Closet #1 Filled – Riverdale Elementary

On Wednesday of this week, we visited Riverdale Elementary School and met with Ms. Veal (Principal) and Ms. Vazquez (Community Liaison) to present the “Uniforms of Hope” we raised during our #closetstrike campaign! The principal immediately grabbed a few children and shared the news with them! Below is a picture of their reaction when the uniforms were presented. Thank you if you were a part of us resourcing these schools!








LBW Team