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Days 41-42 Three Schools Left…

Today makes 42 days in one outfit. That’s 1,008 hours! So, far we’ve collected enough uniforms to cover one school… Help us collect enough to resource three more schools… I have 48 more days to go… Can’t wait to share this journey with all the students we help… 

Here is a picture of the uniform that I have worn all these days…













If you are interested in helping, below you’ll find the schools we are adopting, and the supplies that are needed to resource these schools:


small (6-8)

medium (10-12)

large (14-16)


Mt Zion Primary (50 uniforms pledged)

PreK- Yellow polo style shirts

K5-Green polo style shirts

1st grade-Red polo style shirts

2nd grade-Navy polo style shirts

Pants/Bottoms: Khaki, navy, or black

EJ Swint Elementary  (50 uniforms needed)

Tops: button down or polo style-white,

Bottoms: Khaki or dress pants style, shorts or skirts-khaki, blue, black color

Fountain Elementary (50 uniforms needed)

Tops: Polo style or button down style—yellow, gold, blue, or white

Pants, shorts, skirts: khaki, blue

Riverdale Elementary (50 uniforms needed)

Tops: Polo style with collar–Red, black, white, navy blue

Pants, skirts, skorts, knee length shorts: Khaki, black, dark blue

Also, if you are interested in learning where you can drop these items off, read [HERE] 



Days 18-21 #closetstrike

Today, makes 21 DAYS in one outfit. In fact, this was one of the hardest weeks wearing only one outfit. I had several meetings, engagements, and places to go where I only had this one outfit. However, what I’m learning is this, “You don’t need to make it… All you need is resilience and trust in God.” Now, I only have 69 more days to go!




Days 15-16 Worth in lack!

On of the things I admire about Jesus is more times than often he had a unique way of seeing the good in people, and even helping them to see worth in their situations even when they couldn’t. A classic example of this is the man who was at the pool of Bethesda for a few decades (read John 5:1-15). This man was lame, had been paralyzed in one geographical location, and limited (hoping to one day be healed one day). Jesus walks up to this man, sees value in this guy, asks him a pivotal question, and tells him that he has power to take up his bed and walk.

Jesus saw enough worth in the man even when the man was hopeless and had nothing! What does this suggest… Well, it suggests a number of things, but one main thing I see in the passage is that “lack does not determine worth.” There are many families in lack, and even more children who go without basic needs like clothes. But, because they are in lack doesn’t mean they do not have worth and value in the eyes of God.

Today, is the 16th DAY that I’ll go wearing one outfit on behalf of students, and children across the country and world that have few resources and little or no closets for #closetstrike. May God use this sacrifice to bless others, and push even more to live incarnationally.

