I got a chance to see forty plus people to take the love of God to the streets, and serve the homeless population in downtown Atlanta. How cool is that? I’ll answer–very cool. We were able to clock over 80 volunteer hours of service (loving on people).
I’ve been asked, “Why are you approaching ministry and non-profit work this way?” My answer is simple. Because I have a different scorecard. I don’t measure dollars, budgets, or people in seats, I measure mobilization, contact work, and feet on the ground (doing the actual work).
Why feet on the ground? Take a quick look at a community we served yesterday, and a picture of a new friend I met named Robert (That’s why).
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Picture of me and Robert
I envision #lovebeyondwalls being a collaborative movement of doers, not talkers…
A movement of people who band together from all walks of life to take the love of God to places, people, and problems that exist in the world. No fluff. That’s what we are about.
Below is a picture of all the people who banded together to serve yesterday…