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CampaignsRaising Awareness

Mark Opened His Bank Account!

By December 13, 2017No Comments

It’s been five years since Mark has had a bank account.

One of the first steps to helping Mark transition out of homelessness was to help him get a job. Simple, right? But then, how has this process taken Mark over a year to work towards?

In order to get a job, Mark needed to have a bank account, a place where he could deposit his checks. In order to have a bank account, Mark needed an ID.

The process of getting Mark’s ID has been extremely challenging. He didn’t have access to important documents like his birth certificate, social security card, or proof of residence. (All things required when you get an ID.)

We worked with lawyers over the last year to help him prove his citizenship. At times it was a difficult, demoralizing journey. Can you imagine having to prove your existence and humanity?

The good news is, over the last few weeks his necessary documents began to come in. Earlier this week we got his social security card in the mail and yesterday we were able to get him an ID card.

This morning we were the first people in line at the printer to get hundreds of copies of his resume printed.

Then we drove to Citizens Trust Bank to open his first bank account. He proudly presented his ID, filled out the information, and shook hands with the banker.

This is a huge first step for him to rebuild his life. Now has basic access to the resources like a bank and he’s ready to get a job!

Mark has a degree in Economics and is highly experienced in sales.

Check out his resume here and help Mark get a job!


Here’s a video from the end of Day One Hire Mark Campaign:

mark day one

Terence Lester

Author Terence Lester

More posts by Terence Lester

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