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Most people have asked, “Why in the world are we raising bottled water for the Summer?” Well, we went downtown and interviewed several homeless people about public water access, and found out that it is extremely hard to get water and even harder during the Summer months. Additionally, I almost lost a friend who is homeless due to dehydration, hypertension, and health conditions this year.

Therefore, we chatted with a brother named Skip, and he said that he’s had a struggle trying to get water everyday (even being put out of public places as a homeless person for trying to get water).

Here is a short clip below:

With the lack of public water for homeless people, this quote below by the National Healthcare for the Homeless becomes true:

Heat-related Conditions

“Persons who live on the streets or in shelters are at increased risk for dehydration in warmer climates, particularly during summer months. Be aware that diuretics can exacerbate dehydration and that limited access to water or bathroom facilities may interfere with treatment adherence.”

With these findings, #lovebeyondwalls is vowing to combat homeless dehydration for many homeless people this Summer by providing drinking water. Yep. That simple. Bottled water. If you would like to get involved, check out our flyer [HERE], or contact us.


Terence Lester

Author Terence Lester

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