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Jesus makes a bold statement that resonates deeply with #lovebeyondwalls every time we go and and engage the community. He said, “For even the son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve and to give His life a ransom for many (Mark 10:45, NKJV).”

Not only did Jesus see his life as a sacrifice, he saw it as something that would benefit others. 

This past weekend was awesome because we mobilized 27 volunteers to serve over 70 families in College Park Housing Authority apartments. Not only did we encounter great need, we encountered people whom God loves.

Could you imagine not having food in your refrigerator and not knowing how or where your next meal was coming from? This is what we encountered and more… It was eye-opening to discover the poverty that exists right in the communities around us. 

After serving, we got a chance to pray with and for many people, build relationships in that community, and schedule our next serve date.

Guess what?

We are now doing a cookout in these apartments on the 26th of July! We’re going to engage over 200 people from this community with the love of God and food. To learn more, email us at

Below are a few pictures from our serving!

Serve Collage

LBW Team

Terence Lester

Author Terence Lester

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