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This morning had to have been the rough morning for me! Why? Because for the last six days, I have literally had on the same outfit every single day. I have done everything in it. I have gone to meetings, done work around the office, and have used this one outfit for every single thing. If I can be honest, it hurts knowing I cannot wear anything else …Also, it hurts knowing that I am confined to one outfit for every single event that I will partake in over the next 84 days (I can only imagine how students feel who go through this struggle).

In fact, this morning I visited a school in Douglas County (Chapel Hill High) because a student did a campaign to raise awareness about homelessness and partner with students and teachers on behalf of our organization #lovebeyondwalls. The news paper showed up (Douglasville Sentinel), and I was in the same outfit again. Below is a picture on Kamara (student), Jeff (editor), and myself (same outfit) discussing how students rallied around our efforts to reach the less fortunate.











Nonetheless, while on this journey I have been humbled, and extremely appreciative of every single thing that I have had the privilege to own.

Being on this journey has shown me how ungrateful we can sometimes be when we have many options at our disposal. I encourage any/every/one to cherish anything God has entrusted them with (no matter if they do not think it is a lot).

Terence Lester

Author Terence Lester

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