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49 DAYS ago, I made a commitment to help four Title 1 schools raise uniforms to assist students who struggle with resources in their closets throughout the school year. To do this, I have given away ever article of clothing I own, and only left myself one outfit to walk in the shoes of many students that wear the same thing every single day.

However, today I am tired… I have been wearing this one outfit to every single thing: I’ve worn it to workout, to meetings, to work, to sleep (once or twice), on trips, etc. Although, this outfit has grown on me, it is scary looking forward. I don’t know if we will raise the other 200 uniforms needed by the end of July and I don’t know where or how I will replace the clothes that I gave away.

It really is a very unique journey, and one of the most challenging I have had to endure!

However, I keep asking myself, “Is it worth it?” And honestly, the only answer I could come up with is–YES! It is because this will start a resource closet to service four under resourced schools.

I don’t know how this will come together over the next 41 DAYS, but I definitely have a “don’t stop mentality.” What is a don’t stop mentality? It contains three specific things:

1) Big picture reflection – This keeps you focused on the entire picture at large. When you are focused, this helps you maintain a right perspective on your journey.

2) Small celebrations – This allows you to celebrate where you are, and what you have been able to accomplish toward the bigger picture.

3) Focused solutions – This allows you to remain focused on the needs that you are priviledged to serve.

Wherever you are, whatever project you have going on…. join me in refusing to stop! Stay focused, and have a resolve to go the distance.

If you would like to know how you could contribute, read [HERE]LBW-UniformDonationsLATL


Terence Lester

Author Terence Lester

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