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Serving is GOOD!

This past weekend, 50 volunteers roamed the streets of Atlanta to reach those who are homeless and in transition! We served, shared the love of God, and touched hundreds of people in need. Below are a few pictures from our time serving below!

1013735_769729099730924_6005312147432569545_n10363116_769607256409775_7252469787545896717_nLBW Team

Almost that time!

In less than two weeks, we are going to attempt to do something we have never done before to serve the under-resourced in Atlanta. Keep #lovebeyondwalls in your prayers as we prepare to launch the campaign.



LBW Partnering with Vinings Church!

Over the last year, we have partnered with many Churches… This month, we are partnering with Vinings Church for their grand opening! They are raising carrying bags for our organization to resource homeless individuals, homeless shelters, and other charities doing work in the trenches.

Below is the flyer! Get involved.


LBW Team

8 month update on #lovebeyondwalls!

8 months ago, #lovebeyondwalls started a journey of serving people, taking the love of God to those without a voice, and doing all we could to restore hope back to people who are often times forgotten.

As we sat down to look at how far God has brought us, we came up with a simple infograph to show people a little of what we have done over the last 8 months, and how their donations have aided us in our outreach efforts.

This graphic not only serves as a reminder of how awesome God is, but as a signifier of what can happen when people get together to take #lovebeyondwalls 













LBW Team

Love Boxes help the Elderly!

Today, we were able to resource over 20 families with groceries (#loveboxes) because of our partnership with Warehouse of Hope! Because of their support we are able to resource elderly people who struggle with food lack.


LBW Team

Students Benefit

After a couple weeks of work we have seen several students start to benefit from the #closetstrike journey! In fact, we got this picture from a partnering school this week. It was very touching!

Because people donated uniforms this school was able to resource three siblings this AM who lacked in their closet. The educator said, “They were sooooo happy with lots of personality! The little girl says “I feel so pretty now” God is awesome!” Thanks to everybody that donated.


LBW Team

Closet #1 Filled – Riverdale Elementary

On Wednesday of this week, we visited Riverdale Elementary School and met with Ms. Veal (Principal) and Ms. Vazquez (Community Liaison) to present the “Uniforms of Hope” we raised during our #closetstrike campaign! The principal immediately grabbed a few children and shared the news with them! Below is a picture of their reaction when the uniforms were presented. Thank you if you were a part of us resourcing these schools!








LBW Team


At 12 midnight, I made the full 90 DAYS in one outfit. Yesterday, the #lovebeyondwalls team surprised me with this memorbelia below to help us remember the journey! It currently is in our office! I’m excited because now we will be able to assist many of the schools we are partnered with with uniforms for under resourced students.



90th DAY – #closetstrike journey

You ever been under water in a swimming pool for a considerable amount of time, and all of a sudden you spring out of the water gasping for air? Well, that’s what today feels like…

It feels like I have literally been under water wearing this same outfit for 90 DAYS straight, and I can now prepare myself to get some air… Why compare having no oxygen to wearing the same outfit? Simple. Each day was a struggle, presented a new challenged, was filled with embarrassment, and became psychologically and emotionally taxing. There were many times I found myself wanting to quit, or break out in tears, or even spring out of the “water of shame” to get some air.

“AGAIN…..” I’d wake up and say to myself.

However, the focus of this journey wasn’t about me! It was to gain a clear understanding of what children who battle poverty fell…. It gave me deeper understanding of how children are impacted emotionally, socially, and even psychologically (those who lack resources). When a child has to endure poverty, shame, and even socially isolating circumstances, it becomes damaging to their self-picture. When a self-image is destroyed, it is hard for any type of hope or confidence to be present (especially in a classroom setting). That’s why I am really excited that our organization will be able to help a little! We are aiming to encourage both educators and students! #lovebeyondwalls will soon present uniforms to four schools we are partnering with to aid families and children.

