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Days 41-42 Three Schools Left…

Today makes 42 days in one outfit. That’s 1,008 hours! So, far we’ve collected enough uniforms to cover one school… Help us collect enough to resource three more schools… I have 48 more days to go… Can’t wait to share this journey with all the students we help… 

Here is a picture of the uniform that I have worn all these days…













If you are interested in helping, below you’ll find the schools we are adopting, and the supplies that are needed to resource these schools:


small (6-8)

medium (10-12)

large (14-16)


Mt Zion Primary (50 uniforms pledged)

PreK- Yellow polo style shirts

K5-Green polo style shirts

1st grade-Red polo style shirts

2nd grade-Navy polo style shirts

Pants/Bottoms: Khaki, navy, or black

EJ Swint Elementary  (50 uniforms needed)

Tops: button down or polo style-white,

Bottoms: Khaki or dress pants style, shorts or skirts-khaki, blue, black color

Fountain Elementary (50 uniforms needed)

Tops: Polo style or button down style—yellow, gold, blue, or white

Pants, shorts, skirts: khaki, blue

Riverdale Elementary (50 uniforms needed)

Tops: Polo style with collar–Red, black, white, navy blue

Pants, skirts, skorts, knee length shorts: Khaki, black, dark blue

Also, if you are interested in learning where you can drop these items off, read [HERE] 



DAY 31 & The Uniform Collection Begins

Today is DAY 31 in one outfit!

For the last thirty days I have only worn one outfit… Why? Because I decided to give up my closet so four Title 1 Schools who have students who struggle with their closets can have one! This is not a stunt, or some type of gimmick… I’m doing this because I encountered tons of kids who wear the same thing every single day because their families live in poverty. Therefore, I vowed to myself that not only will I walk in the shoes of these kids, but I would do something that benefit the schools that have students who struggle with this issue.

Many people know that Title 1 Elementary Schools require their students to wear uniforms….Therefore, #lovebeyondwalls is going to do something about it…

I, Terence have not only given up every single article of clothing I own, but for the next 60 days, I am rallying people to help us collect tons of uniforms (new or slightly used) to help several Elementary Schools, and to build closets for these schools…

How can you get involved? Simple. You can drop off  any of the items below at several of our drop-off locations, or you can give monetarily [HERE]100% of your giving goes directly to uniforms. Our goals is to furnish each of these schools with 50 uniforms a piece.

Below are the schools, there colors, sizes, and the drop-off locations you can bring them to:


small (6-8)

medium (10-12)

large (14-16)


Mt Zion Primary 

PreK- Yellow polo style shirts

K5-Green polo style shirts

1st grade-Red polo style shirts

2nd grade-Navy polo style shirts

Pants/Bottoms: Khaki, navy, or black

EJ Swint Elementary 

Tops: button down or polo style-white,

Bottoms: Khaki or dress pants style, shorts or skirts-khaki, blue, black color

Fountain Elementary

Tops: Polo style or button down style—yellow, gold, blue, or white

Pants, shorts, skirts: khaki, blue

Riverdale Elementary

Tops: Polo style with collar–Red, black, white, navy blue

Pants, skirts, skorts, knee length shorts: Khaki, black, dark blue



Today is officially the 30th DAY of #closetstrike! I have been in one outfit for 30 DAYS straight… Why? to help elementary school students.

While doing the strike, #lovebeyondwalls  has experienced some pretty cool things… We officially collected over 300 cases of water for those who are homeless in Atlanta.


Initially, when we came up with the idea to collect water it was because I had found out that one of my  homeless friends I was working with was hospitalized due to dehydration.

I thought… I wonder why? Then it dawned on me that homeless people have very little access to public water! It is very hard access water and stay hydrated if you are homeless. Therefore, we decided to launch #projectTHIRST to keep those we encounter living on the streets hydrated with the basic necessity of water. Every human deserves dignity in a glass of water (no matter where they may lay their head a night)…

Therefore, over the last three weeks, we have distributed water to those who lack public access to water. It has been amazing!













In a week or so, #lovebeyondwalls will partner with the Salvation Army (In Atlanta) & It’s Just a Dream to serve those in the Pittsburgh community of the 11th of this month.

To learn more about how to get involved in what we are doing email



Days 10-11 with #closetstrike

Today is DAY 11 of me wearing one outfit! It has been extremely hard wearing only one outfit. The thought that I have 79 more days to go frightens me. It frightens me because I don’t know if my closet will be restored at the end of my journey, I don’t know if people will be impacted, and I don’t know if it will even matter! Those are my true thoughts at this present moment! But, there are a few thoughts that are greater than those!

I wonder what it would be like to resources low income schools to help students who struggle with “family poverty…”

I wonder what it would be like to see families who will lack this coming school year be encouraged that they have support from their school and organization that cares…

I wonder what it would be like to help children who literally have no closets get a closet and adaquate clothing to survive…

I wonder what it will be like to teach students how to use technology and campaigns to solve societal ills by inviting people to get involved on the ground level…

I wonder how God’s love will inspire those through this sacrifice….

These wonders and my faith is what is driving me right now!

They are the fuel that God is using to push me forward… And guess what???? I’m not stopping until I see people reached for good. Therefore, I solicit your prayers as I continue to walk this road for those who do not have. Pray that #lovebeyondwalls continues to raise awareness, and move people to provide solutions!




2 days down 88 to go…

88 more days to go! Only outfit I own at this point. This morning was extremely humbling… Why? Because when you don’t have options, you must be grateful for what little you have… Below is the one outfit that I have committed myself to for 90 DAYS during the awareness campaign #closetstrike

2014-05-05 08.28.30-2



Dehydration and #projectTHIRST

Dehydration is one of the most common preventable reasons for hospitalization. Lower income families are at an increased risk, due to limited availability of resources. The homeless population, especially in cities with sweltering summer heats like Atlanta, are at an increased risk for dehydration related hospitalization.

People with chronic diseases, such as diabetes, the elderly and the young, have the greatest risk of becoming severely dehydrated, or needing hospitalization.

There are an average of 500,000+ people hospitalized every year for dehydration.

#projectTHIRST is taking donations of fluids to give to the homeless we can reach. To help, please contact us! Remember, just one bottle of water could SAVE a life this summer!


1 day down 89 to go…

Today, was my first full day of #closetstrike! It is going to be a long journey to go 90 full days with only one outfit. I walked into the closet today, and just looked… Why go 90 DAYS? Check it out [HERE].



Plant Love DAYS 1 & 2

Yesterday, our #plantlove campaign started!

Ironically enough, it was “April Fools” day. You know… the national holiday where people pull pranks on their closest friends & relatives? LOL.

Well, yesterday felt “foolish” is a sense. Why? Because it is unbelievable and humbling that we are taking steps forward to get planted in our office/storage and city of ATL/College Park. Personally, I am excited and blown away by God’s ability to provide. It does’t make sense at all.

DAYS 1 & 2 have been focused on getting the parking lot cleaned. There were many leaves, sticks, and old trash in the lot from the previous occupant. Also, we have taken these two days to get several things cut on — like power, gas, phone, and other small items. Currently, there is a little waiting period that came up unexpectedly.

We are awaiting the final inspections, and clearances for our organization to be planted in the headquarters (officially).

However, during this waiting period, I’m learning three lessons as a leader during the process. Here goes:

1) Remain focused on the bigger picture — The big picture for us involves serving, helping, and reaching people who are under resourced, under valued, and overlooked. This is our “why” behind our “what.” Nothing more, nothing less. When you stay focused on the bigger picture, it makes your process worth it.

2) Be open to grow — When you venture out to do something greater than yourself, it will demand that you grow in areas that seem uncomfortable to you at first. But, in order for your work to grow, you must continue to grow yourself. I have personally increased my listening and reading capacity (x2). Additionally, you must use every experience (in the process) as an opportunity to grow.

3) See it through — The process is uncomfortable at times, but you must have a resolve in your heart to “see it through.” This is the place where you refuse to look backwards. With the work we do with #lovebeyondwalls, we have a “see it through” mentality. Why? Because we truly value the work God has us doing.

Below is a back of the building shot! Every day in April, we are getting closer and closer to getting planted. Continue to pray that God guides our work.

