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Atlanta’s First Mobile Shelter – Mobile Stay

Earlier this year, we started using creative housing to get people experiencing homelessness off the streets.

We’ve learned a lot about how hard it is to find a place to stay if you miss the cut-off time for a shelter. Therefore, we started telling this story about excess. In this country, we have so much excess, but we have yet to tap into this excess to solve “real time” problems.

A few months back, a generous family reached out to us and donated this brand new RV (equipped with a shower, a restroom, and living space).

They took their excess and said, “We want to see it help people…”

Therefore, we’ve decided to launch Atlanta’s first Mobile Shelter. It’s called Mobile Stay, and we are less than a month away from giving stays to those who have no safety net.

To give to our mission, visit

Trailer Alert – Mobile Makeovers Pt II

11 months ago, we launched our first Mobile Makeovers Bus and converted it into a Barbershop/Closet/Hygiene Station to serve those who live on the margins.

6 months into it, we made over 500+ homeless people in the city and referred over 1000 people to further services. Last August, we got a chance to pitch our shower trailer concept at Plywood People’s Plywood Presents and won the competition to start phase two of Mobile Makeovers!

Today, we are proud to announce we’ve finally secured our trailer and will begin our conversion process for the LBW Mobile Makeover Shower Trailer! Celebrate with us! ‪


LBW Team‬