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Purpose Purses – Mother's Day!

This month, we will be collecting new and gently-used purses and bags for women that are homeless in Atlanta for Mother’s Day. We will take these purses and stuff them with beauty items, sanitary items, and hygiene products so women can continue to stay clean this summer and the rest of the year! If you would like to donate, please inbox us, email us at, or drop them off at our College Park location. Thanks for partnering with us! ‪


LBW Team

Partnering with The United Way – March 5th

On March 5th, we are partnering with United Way of Greater Atlanta to provide 25 Mobile Makeovers at their first ever “Shoe Box Project Fair.” We are looking for three more volunteer barbers or stylists. Please email us if you’re interested.


LBW Team

Day 8 – Give Love Away Challenge

Today is DAY 8! For the month of February, we’re posting a challenge everyday (29 days) encouraging our followers to intentionally ‪#‎giveloveaway‬ with an act of kindness. Today, we challenge you to meet the need of someone around you today.


LBW Team

Dignity Art

For the last year and a half, we have reached people from all walks of life! It has been an amazing journey, but recently God laid it upon our hearts to start working with guys transitioning out of homelessness in a different way! What way? I’m glad you asked. For the last two weeks, we have been showing guys how to take old reclaimed wood, and turn it into art – Dignity Art!

We have specifically worked with a guy named Bruce to build pieces of art, and allow our followers to make a bid toward those pieces (donating funds), and when the highest bidder wins, it creates an opportunity for us to compensate him for his work (employing him).

Below are a few pieces that he has designed, and two of his latest pieces. If you would like to learn more, email us at or if you would like to have a phrase placed on wood, let us know!



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Love Beyond Walls – Partners with FIM Part II

We are only ten book bags away from resourcing our friends in India who are serving orphans. Check out this video sent to us by our dear friend Raj! Hit us up if you want to help us send love to children without any resources to start school this year…

LBW Team

250+ Flowers – Love Greens

Yesterday, we partnered with 20 volunteers from Northwestern Benefit to serve College Park Housing Authority!

We planted over 250 flowers, and vegetables for seniors living in this community. Not only was it great “greening” the area, but it was just as exciting to see the lasting impact it will have on the families.


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Love Moms!

During the month of May, we are gathering items to serve mothers in need. Next moth, we are doing something really special for them! We are calling it #loveMOMS… We are collecting diapers, wipes, baby bottles, and many necessities moms need to care for their children.


LBW Team