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Displaying Empathy To Others

Having “Empathy” means:

1. Having the ability to “walk in someone else’s shoes” for as long as You need to connect with them in order to be able to feel what they are feeling.

2. Wanting to understand what they are going through and show them they are not alone.

3. Not judging their situation in any way, not making yourself the Saviour and them the Victim.

4. Seeing them as they are. Offering them the space of your empathic presence allows them to feel seen and accepted. From there on, change and healing can take place.

Be empathic and #lovebeyondwalls

LBW Team

James Is Transforming

Sometimes we are unable to put into words how we feel doing this work at Love Beyond Walls —

I (Terence) met James a little over a month ago. He was homeless, jobless, hungry, and without a place to stay.

We welcomed him into our #lovebeyondwalls community and surrounded him with tons of people who saw his worth and value.

In a little over a month, he joined a church, got a place to stay temporarily, started volunteering with us, and yesterday we celebrated that he got a new job less than a mile away from our Center.

Not only does this affirm his dignity, but it reveals to us ALL the importance of the “one.” It’s not always about huge numbers!

Sometimes it’s about the impact you can make in someones life right in front of you.

We are giving our lives to see people’s lives transformed.


First Serve Saturday of 2017

This past Saturday we partnered with three Churches to mobilize over 50 volunteers to serve the community.

Not only did these groups help us to organize our center, but they also got a chance to hear powerful stories from those who are experiencing homelessness in the city.
Check out the recap video below to see what happened.

First Serve Saturday of 2017 from Love Beyond Walls on Vimeo.

LBW Team


SIX DAYS WITH SHELTER: It’s been six days since Ronald stopped sleeping on the ground and started living in this small house our organization built and he’s already talking differently.

He says, “Now I feel like I have to accomplish some things like getting my ID, social security card and birth certificate. I also want to see if I can reconnect with some of my family back home if I can find anyone.”

Although he has not fully transitioned out of homelessness, having a solid support system has started to build his confidence that it’s possible to start again. He says, “Being warm has given me the space to think…”

Wow. “Being warm….”

Think about it, when life happens who can you call? Maybe a mother, close friend, dad, mentor, etc.

Well, when you’re experiencing homelessness there is a social isolation and depletion of all social equity that strips your strength from community.

That’s why we urge people who make generalizations about the homeless to NOTICE THEM. Noticing someone might give someone the courage they need to keep fighting.

Over the next two weeks, we are going to help him achieve some of his goals.

If you’d like to contribute basic necessities (such as food, bus cards, etc.) until we get him back home safe and sound reach out. 


Challenging 5K People To Love The Poor – MAP16

This past Sunday, we were invited to share our #MAP16 story in Shreveport, LA [Shreveport Convention Center] to over 5K people!

Not only did we get a chance to share some of our clips, but we challenged people to consider the poor, understand the realities of the poor, and create margin in their personal lives to notice people.

We are excited about starting our editing process this week as we prepare to share our March Against Poverty story with the world. 

During this season, take time to notice those who are poor, and consider what really matters.15283987_10210013003913216_7598884593685404635_n

LBW Team