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The Prayer Request I'll Never Forget…

I’m up… I’m thinking… I’m filled with compassion… My heart is racing really fast as I think about the next awareness campaign… It’s literally 5AM, and the prayer request I received 48 hours ago now is pushing me to go through with it!

The prayer request came from a mother in another state that is battling domestic violence, verbal abuse, and little support for her children. And guess what? She wrote this email from a hospital… Why? Because she is pregnant and is close to delivering another child (did I mention she’s married?)

In fact, her and her children are without many items and is being overtaken by abuse, poverty, and lack. This breaks my heart knowing this… This breaks my heart knowing that she thought enough of #lovebeyondwalls to reach out for prayer…And, I DID JUST THAT… I prayed that God grants her and her children safety!

Do I know this lady? No. BUT, I do know the pain the children may feel. I know what it feels like to have been around this type of brokenness. Can you relate?

Nonetheless, as I read her prayer request in the form of questions, I was moved to tears. Imagine getting this type of email over the weekend. You don’t believe me it brought me to tears? You read her words below (PLEASE EXCUSE THE EXPLICIT WORDS):

Courage: how many times have you verbally abused your pregnant wife?  Called her b*tches, hoes, dumb mother f*ckers? How about in front of company?  Ever had sex so rough that she ended up in hospital or weeping uncontrollably? What about promised her you’d never work if it meant paying bills instead of buying beer?  Oh what about pulled her hair?  Maybe calling her seven year old son a bastard or bi*ch as$ m.f. to his face was hurtful enough?  Maybe you ran off unannounced for two or three days with the house and car keys? Those girls were just useful for the money they could give you,  right?  You didn’t want them for sex though?  Hickies in your 30’s, but who gave u those?  What about the ‘line or two’ order cocaine habit that keeps you from working and constantly falling urine tests? Did her dad suggest they work it out when she told him all about it? Well, this wife has had all that and more,  but is too broken to leave.  At the end of my rope. Pray for me as many church folk advise me to stick through this.  My pregnancy caused me to not be able to work out pay my own bills.  unemployment has run out,  and with 9.5 weeks left,  my cervix is shortening,   I’m on bed rest,  and baby may come early.  All this while my husband constantly leaves me alone with no car and we have not paid any bills so eviction is eminent. Lord,  I need Your help just as You’ve come through before.  Said,  You’d never leave me nor forsake me. 

You may be asking, why would you share this? Firstly, I shared it in a way not to reveal the person’s identity. Second and last, I shared it because it is reality, it is what people are going through in this broken world, and I am saddened by the advise that was given to her by “church folk.” She stated that she was at the end of her emotional rope from being abused, cheated on, and some people told her to stay…………… Does this make you cringe?

Of course we have been able to connect this lady with one of our partners to recuse her from this situation, but I am still left with the question, “Who else?”

“What other women and children are experiencing this type of mistreatment and lack?”

“How many more children are suffering with this type of poverty and brokenness?”

Better yet,  “What will I do?”

For the last 48 hours, I have read the above prayer more than 100 times… And, it bothers enough to act. Can I save the world? No. But I can zero in on children, and help to give children a voice who experience the residue of brokenness? Yes.

In another email the lady expressed that her children were without clothes, necessities, and other items that kids should have. This broke my heart even more because children never ask to be in situations like this, and still deserve to have their basic needs met.

Therefore, on behalf of this lady, her children, and many other families that I have encountered being plagued by dysfunction, life circumstances, and poverty– I am going to do something.

In 25 days, we are launching our third awareness campaign to raise resources for children who battle brokenness and poverty. Pray for this lady, her children, and the many other children out there battling…



Yesterday was bittersweet for me! Why? Because when returning to Atlanta, GA. I received a phone call from a person I befriended under the I-20 bridge when I was homeless in December. They are no longer in the state of GA because #lovebeyondwalls reunited them with their family members in a another state. It just so happened that we were passing by an empty “Tent City” when I received the phone call.

When I glanced at the former “Tent City,” it was hard knowing that just a few months ago, many people who we were working with are no longer there. Of course we were able to get eight people off of the streets by reconnecting them with their family, but I am clueless as to where many of the others are…And that pains me a little.

“Are you okay?” my friend asked. I sat in silence before I responded with, “I guess we have to keep working and taking #lovebeyondwalls.” My friend said, “You guys have got to get into that building, and work to get more people off the streets like you did for us…” 

“I know…It’s just hard knowing that “Tent City” is empty now….” I said. We caught up some more, and then said our goodbyes…

Not only was the phone call encouraging, but it was heavy too. However, I believe it was the push needed for our “PLANT LOVE” campaign. Imagine being encouraged by someone who had nothing months ago, and is now starting to take steps again. What an amazing feeling…

Today, we are 6 days into working on the actual facility (preparing it to occupy and do more work in our city).

This past Saturday, we gathered with a few volunteers and prayed in the space for the first time, and also saw some landscape get accomplished. This week, we are knocking out a few more essential pieces, getting some more paperwork completed, and planning a little more.

Below is the first shot we took with a few volunteers this past Saturday in our empty office…LOL.



Plant Love Campaign

We are approaching a historic month for #lovebeyondwalls! Why? Because in the month of April we will occupy our first office/slash storage space. Below is a picture if you have seen it yet:

2014-03-21 09.08.41-3

Of course it is not a gigantic building, but it will be something we call a headquarters & home.

It will be a “launchpad” for the work we would like to continue doing in our city (ATL), country, and world.

It will be a place where we can get planted and grow as an organization. We ask that you do four specific things to help us get planted into our new office/storage space in the month of April (whole month).

1) Pray – I ask that you pray that God allows us to get planted, and immediately continue to reach people who do not have any hope.

2) Give – I ask that you look at our simple “wish list” and contribute in of the items on it that we need. This is ALL from scratch, so we will need your help. But, if we have to spend the first month on the floor with laptops working, we are cool with that too. LOL. Simply click [HERE] to visit our “wish list” page.

3) Volunteer  – We will post the days that we will start working on the building to clean it, and make minor repairs to it. We ask that you volunteer to help get our building together. We will need help getting organized, painting, etc. Why? As we get planted, we can help more people.

4) Share our story – If you know someone who could help us move forward, share our story. You never know who “you know” that we can help, or could help us.

Thank you for reading this blog. Pray for #lovebeyondwalls as we aim to “PLANT LOVE” in the city of Atlanta! Below is the graphic for the new campaign #plantlove

plantlove-office-instagram Terence

A Whole Car!

Earlier this month (March 1st), #lovebeyondwalls did a campaign to raise awareness about homeless survival by doing the very first homeless marathon the city of Atlanta. To conclude the walk, we raised shoes at the finish line through a campaign we called #givemilesaway.

Well, this month not only have we raised over 5K shoes, an anonymous giver literally donated a car to our organization to give actual miles away to a family that has had a hard time.

Below is the car! Therefore, in April, we are on the lookout to BLESS some family that has a story, and needs a hand up. Because we want to be good stewards of this vehicle, we are asking that stories be submitted via email. We will select a story that is able to maintain and care for the vehicle like the original donor would.

Please view the picture and the details below!2014-03-16 15.10.14-1car

















Help us #giveloveaway Terence

Homelessness & 5th Graders

Yesterday was one of the best speaking engagements I’ve ever had! Why? Because I got a chance to speak to a classroom of bright, articulate, intelligent, and hope-filled 5th graders at Cheatham Hill Elementary.

I was invited by an educator who recently learned about LBW (Ms. King), and what we are doing to raise awareness about homelessness and other issues in the city (ATL) and country. Ms. King asked me to share stories with her class that paralleled a non-fiction novel they are reading. The novel contains stories of homelessness, and the stories I’ve experienced (while homeless for three days) bring those non-fiction stories to life.

As I shared, I began to see many student(s) faces light up while they listened intently… Also, I started to see lights go off in their heads.

After I gave my talk, it then dawned on me–homelessness is connected to so many educational topics! One student asked, “Why are families broken…” another “Why are people poor in this country…” yet another “What are we so wasteful in this country…”

These bright students raised questions about sociology, psychology, economics, politics, and public health. I was intrigured and even inspired with how concerned these kids were with people who they don’t know (the under resourced).

I answered a couple of questions, and then this group of students asked if they could help #lovebeyondwalls with a project. It just so happened that #lovebeyondwalls is adopting 30 orphans in India (from the Dalit community) in the month of April.

They are in need of shoes and other small items, and these students vowed to raise the resources needed to supply these orphans with resources. It became a class project instantly.

So not only was my conversation filled with different areas of study, it became a beautiful picture of kids serving kids that do not have anything. Below are the two pictures! One picture are the orphans, and the other picture are the students that will help the children in India through our #lovebeyondborders campaign.

Orphanage2014-03-13 10.12.15-2










90 Day Celebration!

Today marks 90 DAYS since we officially launched our site, blog, and went public with #lovebeyondwalls… It has been an amazing ride so far, and we hope to continue to change and impact lives all over the world.

It has been really cool to see our ten year history (severing the community) start to impact so many lives. God deserves all the credit.

Below is a quick update charting our movement over the last 90 DAYS… Of course it includes numbers (which I don’t like sharing), but it at least reveals some sense of measuring. I have chosen to share this because we have had many supporters, donors, and people to sow into to our organization. We want to reveal to our supporters how they are helping us to move and impact lives!


  1. We have led 3 people to faith.
  2. We have baptized 1 individual.
  3. We have gotten 3 people off the streets.
  4. We have established over 50 relationships with people who are homeless.
  5. We have served over 1K homeless men, women, and children.
  6. We have mobilized over 1K volunteers both local and nationally to get involved with our campaigns.
  7. We have generated over 30 partnerships.
  8. We have raised over 12K socks from local and national supporters to distribute to the homeless community.
  9. We have raised over 1K hygiene products to distribute to the homeless community.
  10. We have partnered with 5 churches to mobilize people.
  11. We have secured 5 drop-off locations.
  12. We have stopped three evictions.
  13. We Have raised over 1K shoes to distribute to the homeless community.
  14. We have had over 15K website visits around our awareness campaigns.
  15. We have grown our social media following by %1000 (Twitter, Instagram, Facebook).
  16. We have set up our first educational campaign.
  17. We have worked with two major news stations, and 1 radio station.
  18. We have mobilized over 200 students in K-12 schools to get involved in our efforts.
  19. We have partnered with 5 schools.
  20. We have inspired over 100 people locally and nationally to start their own community work.
  21. We have made history with the first 30 mile walk for homelessness in the city of ATL.


There are more facts….but I can’t share them all right now. However, I want it to be known many of the numbers above are not to pat ourselves on the back, but to track what God has miraculously done as we have selflessly given ourselves to the work of God.


We hope to continue to have more of an impact in 2014 as we share more of our creative efforts. I ask that you keep our efforts, campaigns, and ideas in your prayers.




Not About Me – 48 Hours Later!

I’m up thinking (5AM)… I cannot believe I made thirty miles walking! In fact, my eyes are sweating (LOL). I don’t think I was strong enough to make a 15 hour walk, but God saw me through it…

Over the last two days, I have gotten many pats on the back, encouraging words & well wishes for walking thirty miles on behalf of homeless people in Atlanta (and this country)… BUT, I don’t think I deserve the credit…

Why? Because without God, and the good people who were around me, I would have not completed the 30 mile walk–literally! The pictures below (among many others) prove my point:
DSC_0065DSC_0073There were many individuals & social media followers who pushed, encouraged, and stood with me the whole way (even people I don’t know). Additionally, there are many people on the #lovebeyondwalls team that helped make the “LOVE RALLY & WALK” possible. Many people on the team even stayed the night with me in the parking lot at Crossroads Church (I’m extremely grateful for them).


What am I saying? I’m glad you asked. Without God, my wife/family, & a solid support system, #lovebeyondwalls wouldn’t be anything. Of course we would do work, but not without the support from good people that God sends.

So instead of making this blog about me, I would like to make it about the people who made history with me, and the people we advocated for–people who face homelessness by living on the streets, in shelters, or living with loved ones without a residential address. It’s over a million of you! And, If you fit this category, YOU DESERVE A VOICE!

It’s the people that go through life without support that need a voice!  It’s the individuals who have a heart to serve and help others that need the platform. NOT ME. I’m just trying to be obedient to God, and follow Jesus’ model… I know if he were walking the earth, he’d be involved in broken communities and loving on the poor.

Although I cannot name everyone who helped, I’d like to say you know who you are! You rock, you are special, and God is using you to help uplift people who are looked down upon!

In closing, I would like to list four words that I thought about the entire walk that helped me finish:

1) Resilience – This word means to continue despite present difficulties, and to press forward continuously.

2) Love – This word is a verb, and must be shown through demonstration. This word also restores and protects.

3) Teamwork – This word means nothing in this world happens alone… There is always a team needed to achieve great goals.

4) Family – This word helped me to remember that I have a solid support system who believes in me–my wife, kids, and loved ones!
