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Mobile Shelter Concept – Love Beyond Walls

Over the last three years, we have helped many people “experiencing homelessness,” transition out of homelessness by reuniting with family members, making connections to find work, and even helping people find programs that would walk them through the stability process.
Although we’ve assisted many, we still find out new realities of those facing poverty every single day. During some of the coldest days this year (2017), when we asked many people who are “experiencing homelessness” if they would liked to be transported to a shelter, many declined.
To our surprise, many people not only feared for their safety in shelters, but have been so socially excluded that they have given up on trying to find an acceptable community.

Therefore, a couple people from our team came up with a “temporary” mobile shelter concept for those that choose to remain on the streets.

The picture you see above was a concept we developed for a guy sleeping out in the cold (this month), so he’d be able to remain warm and be shielded from the elements.
Have we figured all the details to this concept out? No. But, we have now decided to develop a prototype that will be transportable for men and women who choose to stay on the streets until they transition off of the streets. It’s a temporary solution that provides safety.

Keep us in your thoughts and prayers as we develop phase 2.

LBW Team

Challenging 5K People To Love The Poor – MAP16

This past Sunday, we were invited to share our #MAP16 story in Shreveport, LA [Shreveport Convention Center] to over 5K people!

Not only did we get a chance to share some of our clips, but we challenged people to consider the poor, understand the realities of the poor, and create margin in their personal lives to notice people.

We are excited about starting our editing process this week as we prepare to share our March Against Poverty story with the world. 

During this season, take time to notice those who are poor, and consider what really matters.15283987_10210013003913216_7598884593685404635_n

LBW Team

Episcopal Diocese of Atlanta & Pathways Magazine – A Movement of Doers!

“Love is a powerful force,” Terence explains. “God is love, and we are on a mission to take that love into places where there is darkness and hopelessness, despondency and all those different things keeping people in the cycle of being oppressed.”

Check out the story of those we help on @episcopalatl’s website to read our story! Or, simply click the picture below.15267660_1211007605603069_6122602230087936408_n

LBW Team


Atlanta Hawks Come To Love Beyond Walls

This past Friday, we got a chance to partner with Woodward Academy to serve hundreds of people for #FeedTheNeed.

Not only did we hang out with families to give them hope for the Holiday, but we had a wonderful surprise to take place.

The Atlanta Hawks came to our headquarters with “Harry the Hawk,” several representatives from the Hawks organization, and Kaiser to present our Executive Director [Terence] with an award [#TrueToAtlantaAward] for the #MAP16 journey. 

Additionally, the Hawks got a chance to hang out with the community and encourage them along with us.

Check out a few pictures below!














To give to our organization for your year end giving, click [HERE]

LBW Team

MLK Memorial Speech & Final Stretch Video

Yesterday, Terence and Johnny reached the White House, and a crowd of supporters marched with Terence all the way to the King Memorial where Terence delivered a speech entitled, “It’s Time To Do Something…”

Check out the picture below, and the final stretch video.


Final Stretch – MAP16 from Love Beyond Walls on Vimeo.

LBW Team

Live Speech – LBW Facebook

This Saturday, I’m going to speak from my heart to whoever comes out!

I’ve walked over 600 miles, have encountered tons of people in poverty, and have a burning desire to humanize their stories.

If you’d like to hear my words in 3 DAYS, follow our @lovebeyondwalls Facebook page where I’ll go live with my words from the MLK Memorial.map16_mlkspeech

MAP16 Ending at The King Memorial

Yesterday, Terence literally saw a sign that said 44 miles until Washington, DC. We are estimating that it will take 4 more days for Terence & Johnny to arrive at the finish line. 

Earlier this week, we received our official permit to end at the march/walk at the King Memorial to do a press conference on poverty in the U.S. (in partnership with the SCLC)

If you’d like to meet us there, we’ll see you in Washington in 4 DAYS.

The image below contain the information you need.map16finishlinesclc
LBW Team

Getting Closer – Trailer III

Love Beyond Walls stepped up to combat poverty over a month ago with #MAP16!
So far, Terence has walked from Atlanta, GA to Virginia (covering three states) to provide a voice for the voiceless, share stories of those who might otherwise go untold, and raise resources to build our very own #LoveCenter (a safe haven and resource center for those in need).

In this trailer, Terence shares his experiences, stories, and challenges us all to think about those who are poor in our country.
Get involved by sharing this video with your friends and family! Terence has 15 DAYS left before he reaches DC.

Join us on the journey and follow the conversation!

Getting Closer – Trailer III from Love Beyond Walls on Vimeo.

LBW Team


Below is a recap video for DAY 36 of #MAP16. So far, Terence has marched all the way to Danville, VA and is expected to arrive in DC by mid October.

Check out the video below to see why this past week was difficult, and stay updated as the journey to Washington, DC continues.

DAY 36 – MAP16 from Love Beyond Walls on Vimeo.

LBW Team