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Second Love Feeds!

Today, we had our second #lovefeeds Friday! It was awesome! We are creating healthy rhythms to serve people in the community with groceries, and other items on targeted days.  We had many volunteers come out to serve over 40 families this am. If you would like to get involved, email


LBW Team

Love Tour ATL – #mobilemakeovers

In May, we are going to do our first ever tour in different counties with our ‪#‎mobilemakeovers‬ bus! We are calling it ‪#‎lovetourATL‬! We will travel from county to county to makeover people who deserve to have their dignity restored. We can’t wait to change lives across our city! 

LoveTourIGLBW Team

April 18th – Launch!

Have you every had a dream that required tons of focus, work, sweat, and tears? You know… It’s the type of dream where you have to keep telling yourself every single step counts over and over and over again.

Well, we have had a dream come true! On April 18th we will take our #mobilemakeovers bus out for the first time to provide 5-10 makeovers. Not only are we excited, we can’t wait to see the type of impact the bus will have on those who are in need and need an extra push!



Collaborate with us – Mobile Makeovers!

Hey, we are looking for people to collaborate with to provide makeovers for people in need in the city of Atlanta, College Park, East Point, & Hapeville! Every makeover could potentially lead to someone changing their life completely. If you are interested, please see the artwork below.


LBW Team

Feed the Block!

This Good Friday, we will take all the resources we have raised for ‪#‎lovefeeds‬ and ‪#‎feedtheblock‬…. Tons of families in the College Park area are food insecure, and are in need of food to survive. Join us as we serve families… For more info, email


LBW Team

Pop-Up Fashion Show!

We are excited! This Saturday, we are partnering with Sporty Gils, Inc. and their athletes to put on a pop-up fashion show to raise items for homeless teens. This is going to be really exciting because it will show the teens who are serving the importance of giving back to others, and the value of life. Check out the information below for details.


LBW Team

"Man or Male" Supports Love Feeds!

This past weekend, Derrick Bailey (Principal in Cobb) dropped off several boxes of food raised from a young men’s mentoring group called, “Man or Male.”

This group shows young men the importance of having character and integrity throughout their life. We will use these donations to resource many families that are food insecure in the area where our office is located.


LBW Team


Floors are in the bus!

For the last month or so (since I got off the bus), our team has be diligently working to get the bus up and on the road! It has taken tons of sacrifice, effort, and focus to work on the bus. Along the way, God has sent some really cool people to help out.








On Wednesday, Dave and Darren decided to lay the floors in the bus. As you can see from the picture below, the bus is really starting to change and transform on the inside…










Although we have won’t immediatly have the showers installed (still have more funds to raise), we are aiming to get the bus on the road to start mobilizing barbers/stylist, and people who want to make people over with the closet inside the bus.
