Today, I got up extremely early (4AM) to think about how hard of a challange this is going to be (my next awareness campaign)…Yes, it will be just as hard as going homeless for 72 hours. As a matter of fact, this has got to be the second most daring thing I have ever attempted to do to raise awareness about a community of people that I care so much about (the homeless community).
It is so challenging, that I am literally having to lose 30lbs before I attempt to do what I feel God is placing on my heart to do. Why? Because in order for this to work, I must transform myself too (and get healthy). Over the last few years, I have become overweight due to stress, over-eating, and simply because I love to “throw down” in the kitchen…LOL. However, that must stop!!!!! (If you are an eater, you can relate)
Starting today I am going to attempt to lose tons of pounds by eating right, and excersing
(something that I have started and stopped for a long time).
Many people are probably wondering why I am doing things to raise awareness about homelessness… Well, like I tell everyone I meet…
Imagine being a person who could not speak up for yourself…
Imagine being a person who had a story that nobody hears or cares about…
Imagine being looked down upon by society and only loved on by a few…
Imagine endless possibilities of hopelessness…See my heart yet?
I envision #lovebeyondwalls being a non-profit agency that echoes the voices of the unheard…overlooked…and outcasted…
Therefore, whatever extremes I have to take to help people’s stories to be heard, I am going to do it. I am giving my life to this (MLK said give your life to something and die for it…) However, isn’t this what Jesus did? He roamed the earth standing up for a world far from right-standing with God, and gave his life so that people could be reconciled and restored back to God. And, if this is true…I am following Jesus.
There are three reasons why I am losing weight:
1) If I don’t lose weight…this campaign may kill me.
2) If I don’t lose weight…this campaign may not be completed.
3) If I don’t lose weight…this campaign will be extremely hard.
Are you wondering what it is yet? Well, track along with me until mid-January to find out…I am releasing the next #lovebeyondwalls awareness campaign!
Today, is Day 1 on my “50 Day Count Down” as I attempt to get myself together before trying to accomplish the unimaginable for my homeless friends.