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Great serving with you this year!

Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays from your friends and Love Beyond Walls.

It was such an honor to serve alongside many of you in 2018, and we know that our impact will not be forgotten. We reached many people, and made many new friends because of your support.

We hope that you enjoy the Holidays with friends and family, and we look forward to serving with you in the year to come.

Serve with you soon!

LBW Team

Drumroll please….

Over the last month, many people have wondered what we are doing with the shipping container we purchased as an organization.

We’ll after years of advocating for those experiencing homelessness, we have decided to do something disruptive to ensure people that are being displaced all over the country are never forgotten.

Therefore, we are launching the first museum for homelessness and poverty by converting a shipping container into a immersirve space that will travel and educate people about a issue that should be addressed in our country.

We are calling it, “Dignity Museum.”


The Dignity Museum will create an interactive experience for visitors to immerse themselves in the stories of those experiencing poverty and homelessness.

More than 1 million people are homeless in the United States, a quarter of those being children. Historically, homelessness has been viewed as a character flaw, a personality defect to be looked down on. Many of those experiencing homelessness have not been given an opportunity for another option.

Homelessness is systemic, generational, and often times as a result of long-held misconceptions about those experiencing the plight. Their lives are overlooked on street corners, under bridges, and on metal bunk beds in shelters across the country.

The Dignity Museum shares the stories of the forgotten, while presenting the unjust causes for the disparity in resource allocation. The stories of those who were born into poverty, those who became homeless as adults, the kids holding cardboard signs at the stoplight, and their collective fight to beat their circumstances.

Through interactive technology, research, storytelling, exhibits, and thought-provoking questions, visitors will confront their ideas of homelessness and what it takes to escape it.

The museum is designed to take the guest through a journey to promote a hopeful future of equality, opportunity, and justice.

Going Deeper:

Dignity Museum is the first of its kind in Atlanta. This innovative, living museum aims to help Atlantans and national tourists understand the suffering and struggle that many people face that are experiencing homelessness and those who face extreme poverty.

More importantly, Dignity Museum seeks to offer an up close and real view of the conditions in which people live in a way to create empathy and action among those who do not understand the reality of poverty.

Incorporating videography, Dignity Museum’s curated content will capture people caught in the rawness of their struggle in a way that gives them a voice and honors their journey as humans.

Follow our pages on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook and watch our video below:

Dignity Museum – Love Beyond Walls from Love Beyond Walls on Vimeo.

To contribute to this project and help us raise the last $6,000 we need to finish our project click [HERE]


The Countdown Begins!

Today, I took another leap of faith as a social impact leader. We purchased a 40FT Shipping Container to create something that doesn’t exist in Atlanta or around the country. I feel all of the vulnerability that you have in starting a new project. Why? Because this will be our biggest and most meaningful conversion project to date. However, I’m being driven by two things:

Firstly, I’m being driven by the fact that there are many people suffering and need honest advocacy. Second and last, I’m being driven because I know this is what God would have us do to take #lovebeyondwalls

Excited to share the details soon. The countdown just got real.


We’re Hiring

We’re Hiring a Part-Time Person!

Love Beyond Walls (LBW), a well-respected and growing organization, seeks a part-time person to assist with its mission of giving a voice to the voiceless.

This part-time person will work 10-15 hours each week and will work closely with our leadership team at LBW.

Send resumes and inquiries to

Love Beyond Walls + Drawing Good

Earlier this year, Love Beyond Walls was selected by The Sketch Effect to be a Drawing Good partner.
The Sketch Effect exists to elevate ideas through remarkable visual communication.
However, beyond drawing out ideas, they also wanted to draw out the good in our community through Drawing Good.
This video was created by the team at The Sketch Effect to help us tell a little bit of our story, how we started, and highlight our empathetic culture.
LBW Team



About three weeks ago, our organization was offered a distribution deal for our documentary film “Voiceless.”

Although it was a huge opportunity, I (Terence) felt the pressure of having to entrust our message to many people who are not connected to the day-to-day work of fighting for those who are marginalized.

So, instead I (Terence) have chosen to make our documentary free to the public. Many would say this is foolish and insane to turn down a deal, but my heart has always been about educating, equiping, and moving people to care about those suffering with poverty in our country.

Therefore, if you have not seen our documentary and have always wanted to see it you can do so FREE of charge below.

Please read the disclaimer note to support our work!

Disclaimer Note:

After watching this film, you have three options to support Love Beyond Walls:

1) Go directly to our site and make a donation to our cause. Your support helps us to continue fighting poverty and homelessness (

2) Download a free 22 page workbook on our site at ( to get next steps and continue the conversation on poverty.

3) Share this film as it is an important message in our country.

Getting Closer – Trailer III

Love Beyond Walls stepped up to combat poverty over a month ago with #MAP16!
So far, Terence has walked from Atlanta, GA to Virginia (covering three states) to provide a voice for the voiceless, share stories of those who might otherwise go untold, and raise resources to build our very own #LoveCenter (a safe haven and resource center for those in need).

In this trailer, Terence shares his experiences, stories, and challenges us all to think about those who are poor in our country.
Get involved by sharing this video with your friends and family! Terence has 15 DAYS left before he reaches DC.

Join us on the journey and follow the conversation!

Getting Closer – Trailer III from Love Beyond Walls on Vimeo.

LBW Team