Today makes 54 DAYS in one outfit.
So far, we’ve gotten one and a half schools covered with uniforms, and still have 175 uniforms to go… I literally only have 36 more DAYS to go wearing one outfit, and will start putting out videos when I hit DAY 30 for thirty days straight.
Honestly, I don’t know what I was thinking giving away every single thing I owned to walk in the shoes of those children who go to school wearing one outfit multiple days. BUT I know it is what I was called to do… I wanted to do what I know God would do if God was roaming the earth. I wanted to bring attention to a sensitive issue that plagues the spirit and confidence of children I have encountered in Title 1 schools.
It’s been a rough journey wearing the same thing every single day, BUT I am super hopeful that God will and can and WILL meet many needs that we will serve in the schools our organization has adopted.
#lovebeyondwalls needs your help raising the last 175 uniforms. If you want to know how to get involved, read the uniform collection story [HERE]