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A Place To Stay – Eric

A Place To Stay

We met Eric a little over a month ago through a partner church (The Midtown Bridge Church). Not only does he work, but he also has amazing talents and skills. 

For the last month or so, we’ve been walking with him out of homelessness with a temporary place to stay.

He says, “I work and still don’t make enough to pull myself out. I work almost every single day.” 

We are learning that the experience of homelessness is NOT one size fits all, and we should never generalize someone’s experience.

Because of your support we are able to give our friend a temporary home.

Thank you




















LBW Team

Atlanta’s First Mobile Shelter – Mobile Stay

Earlier this year, we started using creative housing to get people experiencing homelessness off the streets.

We’ve learned a lot about how hard it is to find a place to stay if you miss the cut-off time for a shelter. Therefore, we started telling this story about excess. In this country, we have so much excess, but we have yet to tap into this excess to solve “real time” problems.

A few months back, a generous family reached out to us and donated this brand new RV (equipped with a shower, a restroom, and living space).

They took their excess and said, “We want to see it help people…”

Therefore, we’ve decided to launch Atlanta’s first Mobile Shelter. It’s called Mobile Stay, and we are less than a month away from giving stays to those who have no safety net.

To give to our mission, visit

Voiceless Poetry Piece by Subject 2 Change

Check out this original spoken word piece that was written by Derrick Bailey for our upcoming documentary on systemic poverty. This is the first feature length film our organization will put out to give those wrestling with poverty a voice in the U.S.

The name of our film is called, “Voiceless” – If you like this piece, share it or visit

You will not believe this!

Over the last couple of months, our organization has been intentional about giving people experiencing homelessness untraditional housing to get them off of the streets, and provide a place to stay that’s safe.

If we can be honest, it’s been messy, hard, confusing, and fun all at the same time. We’ve laughed with them, have had the privilege of celebrating successes, and have talked through struggles.

Long story short, we’ve just taken what’s in front of us and have used it to serve those who are forgotten.

Little did we know that a family was watching our work with using trailers to provide housing.  Well, this same family reached out and donated our organization this RV trailer! Wow is all we can say!

We can’t wait to reveal what this will become for our next campaign. 

LBW Team

Degree & Homeless

DEGREE & HOMELESS: Last week, we met a gentleman named Mark. We were introduced to him by Ronald. “Tell him your story…” Ronald said to Mark. “Well, I’m not a beggar. I’ve been living homeless in College Park for three years, and I experienced tons of loss. First, my wife and I lost our son, then I lost my wife, then I lost my job…” Mark said.

As he shared his story, he talked about his degree in economics and how he never thought he’d be this low in life. “Depression set in and I lost all hope. I even tried to take my own life because I felt like there was no reason to live.” He said.

We asked him where he stayed at night, and he shared how he stays in abandoned buildings and uses empty bottles to keep clean by collecting water from place to place. To make it worse, he shared how eats every from trash cans every single day to live.

After hearing his story, we offered him the extra small house and he accepted.

Last week, we learned from Mark that it doesn’t matter how much education you have or how well put together you are, life can happen to us all. Keep him in your thoughts and prayers as we provide temporary housing for two men trying to climb out of homelessness.

To support our work monthly, click [HERE]

LBW Team

Getting Closer – Trailer III

Love Beyond Walls stepped up to combat poverty over a month ago with #MAP16!
So far, Terence has walked from Atlanta, GA to Virginia (covering three states) to provide a voice for the voiceless, share stories of those who might otherwise go untold, and raise resources to build our very own #LoveCenter (a safe haven and resource center for those in need).

In this trailer, Terence shares his experiences, stories, and challenges us all to think about those who are poor in our country.
Get involved by sharing this video with your friends and family! Terence has 15 DAYS left before he reaches DC.

Join us on the journey and follow the conversation!

Getting Closer – Trailer III from Love Beyond Walls on Vimeo.

LBW Team

#MAP16 on USA Today & HumanKind

This morning, our campaign #MAP16 made national news on USA Today! If you’d like to read the story click [HERE]

Additionally, HumanKind produced an awesome video to accompany the article. Today, Terence just completed DAY 28 of #MAP16 – Check out the video below to see the progress. Thank you for your support and following the journey.

LBW Team

Love Beyond Walls Reaches India

Partners make impact stronger!

We recently partnered with Northwestern Benefit to launch a computer lab in India for FIM (Faith India Ministries). It was amazing to see our mission team partners land on the ground to deliver computers and other items to serve orphans. We count it a privilege to serve kids that will use the internet for the first time in their lives. Below are a few pictures!

A huge thank you to everyone that continues to support our work locally and around the world.13782244_728531657250280_5455607477303646785_n

LBW Team

Partner With Us For MAP16

Would your group, organization, church, or business like to partner with us for ‪#‎MAP16‬?

Shoot us a quick email to learn how you can help us raise awareness about poverty, and help us give those who are suffering a voice. Get involved! Join us on the Journey!
Follow the conversation! #MAP16 ‪#‎LoveBeyondWalls‬ ‪#‎LoveCentermap16_partnerNEW
LBW Team

66 Days Away – MAP16

Have you ever been put out of a public space because you were homeless? Have you ever been denied water because of how you looked? Or, Have you ever needed water because your water was cut off due to a lack of resources? Well, we created a free water bin so those who wrestle with poverty can have access to bottles of water. Why? Because it is a human right! This is why we are going to attempt ‪#‎MAP16‬! We are 67 DAYS AWAY!

map16_waterbinLBW Team