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Collaborate with us – Mobile Makeovers!

Hey, we are looking for people to collaborate with to provide makeovers for people in need in the city of Atlanta, College Park, East Point, & Hapeville! Every makeover could potentially lead to someone changing their life completely. If you are interested, please see the artwork below.


LBW Team

Before/After Inside Bus

Since our “Get on The Bus” campaign, we have made some major strides. In fact, in the last two months we have gotten the bus wrapped, and started the transformation process on the inside. It has come a long way, and it is almost that time to get it on the road.

We will have two phases of the bus completed (Barbershop/Closet). 

After getting it on the road and sharing some #mobilemakovers stories, we are then going to attempt to raise additional funds to add the shower unit inside.

If you would like to view a before/after picture of inside check them out below. Also, if you would like to give to our project please click [HERE].

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LBW Team

"Man or Male" Supports Love Feeds!

This past weekend, Derrick Bailey (Principal in Cobb) dropped off several boxes of food raised from a young men’s mentoring group called, “Man or Male.”

This group shows young men the importance of having character and integrity throughout their life. We will use these donations to resource many families that are food insecure in the area where our office is located.


LBW Team



Are you looking to discover your purpose? Do you want to make an impact in the world by starting something that matters? Or, do you want to grow as a leader? If so, join us as we launch our second leadership community called “LEADERSOURCE.” This is an intentional gathering to develop those who are serious about making an impact in the world. To lean more, click “leadersource” on the menu tab or simply follow the details on the flyer below…


LBW Team



Update on Robert!

Received a phone call and picture yesterday from Robert! He yells and says, “It’s cold outside and I’m no longer homeless… I’m headed to church.” We are super happy for this young man who decided to take a step toward change! We are grateful God connected us… He has cleaned up well.


LBW Team


First Film Screening was Amazing!

This past Saturday, we encountered a little over 100 people on the campus of Ga Tech to preview our first film (Love in The Trenches)! It was an amazing experience. People stood around, engaged in conversation, looked at many of our art pieces, and got a chance to preview the film.

It was amazing because two minutes into the film, people instantly connected and started shedding tears. We all cried, laughed, and ultimately left inspired to make a difference in the world around us.

We will release the film this week on Vimeo’s platform show viewers who were not able to see it…  Below are some cool pics from our first screening at Ga Tech. IMG_8699IMG_8914



Equipping leaders to change the world around them!

This past weekend, #lovebeyondwalls trained 20+ leaders from various organizations, churches, and businesses! Each of these leaders sat in our idea room, and learned creative ways to engage the community, build a team, and leverage technology to mobilize people to serve others! Below is a picture of some of the attendees! It was truly an amazing time. Not only will we have this again before the year ends, we will launch a #leadersource podcast to train other leaders who would love to learn from our experiences and research.

