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Love Beyond Walls Honored at SCLC

This past Saturday, our starters (Terence & Cecilia Lester) received a social advocacy award at the 58th National SCLC Convention for the work we do at Love Beyond Walls. The theme of the entire convention was centered around the memory and legacy of Martin Luther King’s “Poor People’s Campaign.”

It gave us great joy because in 25 days we will launch #MAP16 to give those who are suffering a voice. Get involved! Join us on the Journey!

Follow the conversation! #MAP16 #LoveBeyondWalls #LoveCenter13709895_10208801702031426_171280199834763287_n




LBW Team

Mobile Makeover Feature!

This week’s makeover feature’s Chago! Over the last month, not only has he learned how to operate a computer, but has set a goal to get his driver’s license for the first time in his life. Today, he decided to cut it all off, and get made over on the bus! Thank you to those of you who help us change lives literally. ‪13346782_1061474173889747_7481447851241287349_n
LBW Team

DAY 1 – Give Love Away Challenge

For the month of February, we’re posting a challenge everyday (29 days) encouraging our followers to intentionally ‪#‎giveloveaway‬ with an act of kindness. Today is DAY 1. We challenge you to post something positive and challenge the negative post(s) we see on our timelines.


LBW Team

Dignity House – Dignity Art

Hey, I’m posting this because I need your help. God laid it on my heart (as the leader of Love Beyond Walls) to try to purchase a home to employ and house those we serve battling with homelessness. Would you donate $1 to our campaign and get 5-10 more people to donate $1? We need 22K people to give one dollar so we can purchase our first home to house the homeless. You can read the story and give by clicking the image below:

