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Closet Strike, 256 Children, & Books!

I can’t believe it has literally been six days since I have been in regular clothes! Some amazing things have happened over the three months (during the #closetstrike journey). We worked with several people, organizations, and businesses to raise resources to help four Title 1 schools. Next week, we will hand deliver “uniforms of hope” to four schools we’ve adopted in Clayton County. Each uniform will have a special heart placed on the sleeve! This will be to let educators and families know that there is an army of people who support and love them.



Additionally, next week we will mobilize corporate professionals to serve children in the Sheltering Arms Daycare on Welcome All Rd. Northwestern Benefits has raised tons of books for #lovebeyondwalls to promote literacy & education.

We are excited about this!




At 12 midnight, I made the full 90 DAYS in one outfit. Yesterday, the #lovebeyondwalls team surprised me with this memorbelia below to help us remember the journey! It currently is in our office! I’m excited because now we will be able to assist many of the schools we are partnered with with uniforms for under resourced students.



Day 68 – Sleeves too Short

Today, makes 68 DAYS in one outfit! To be honest, I have personally washed this uniform over 60 times and now my sleeves don’t fit… Super humbling journey for #closetstrike.

As I continue, I am encouraged to go the distant because I know children feel embarrassed to wear clothes that can’t fit anymore. 68 days down, 22 to go!



DAY 60 – Milestone

Today, I made 60 DAYS in one outfit… That’s two months or 1,440 hours. I only have 30 days left in one outfit to raise uniforms for kids in four schools who will struggle in their closets. #lovebeyondwalls has vowed to adopt four schools [READ HERE TO FIND OUT SCHOOLS] to resource over 200 students who may need a help in their closets this coming school year.

It has been a long sixty days in this one outfit, but I’m not stopping until @lovebeyondwalls resources every single child…

As you can see, my shoes are busted and my uniform has collected tons of stains… This has been both embarrassing and rewarding! Why? Because I’m following what Christ would do… I’ll release my first video tonight explaining why I started this journey… 

