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Live Speech – LBW Facebook

This Saturday, I’m going to speak from my heart to whoever comes out!

I’ve walked over 600 miles, have encountered tons of people in poverty, and have a burning desire to humanize their stories.

If you’d like to hear my words in 3 DAYS, follow our @lovebeyondwalls Facebook page where I’ll go live with my words from the MLK Memorial.map16_mlkspeech

87 Days Away – MAP16

We are currently 87 DAYS AWAY before we attempt ‪#‎MAP16‬! During this time, we hope to restore a voice to the many people who are marginalized and forgotten (stories over stats). ‪map16_StatesNoDots
LBW Team

Love Beyond Walls – Partners with FIM Part II

We are only ten book bags away from resourcing our friends in India who are serving orphans. Check out this video sent to us by our dear friend Raj! Hit us up if you want to help us send love to children without any resources to start school this year…

LBW Team

Collaborate with us – Mobile Makeovers!

Hey, we are looking for people to collaborate with to provide makeovers for people in need in the city of Atlanta, College Park, East Point, & Hapeville! Every makeover could potentially lead to someone changing their life completely. If you are interested, please see the artwork below.


LBW Team

Pop-Up Fashion Show!

We are excited! This Saturday, we are partnering with Sporty Gils, Inc. and their athletes to put on a pop-up fashion show to raise items for homeless teens. This is going to be really exciting because it will show the teens who are serving the importance of giving back to others, and the value of life. Check out the information below for details.


LBW Team

"Man or Male" Supports Love Feeds!

This past weekend, Derrick Bailey (Principal in Cobb) dropped off several boxes of food raised from a young men’s mentoring group called, “Man or Male.”

This group shows young men the importance of having character and integrity throughout their life. We will use these donations to resource many families that are food insecure in the area where our office is located.


LBW Team


First Mobile Makeover Commplete – Night 17

Last night made night 17, and I am actually starting to feel inspired. Why? One reason is because we were able to mobilize, a barber, a tailor, and a few generous people to complete our first #mobilemakeovers (before we have gotten the bus up and going)!


Who did we make over? We made over Robert and his younger brother, Willie. Below is a before and after picture that will give you a glimpse of what we’d like to do all next year once we get the bus up and going.

Additionally, we recorded the barber to capture his words about volunteering his time.


We hope to launch our project with the bus soon to start the process of making people over from all walks of life, and hopefully connect them to agencies and programs that will help them take steps toward total life-change.


Video Update – Night 16

Last night made 16 nights on top of the bus! Literally, we’ve been living on top for 16 days/nights straight, and plan on going a full 30 nights to complete the journey.

Below is a quick video from the halfway point updating and highlighting what’s been happening.
