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April 18th – Launch!

Have you every had a dream that required tons of focus, work, sweat, and tears? You know… It’s the type of dream where you have to keep telling yourself every single step counts over and over and over again.

Well, we have had a dream come true! On April 18th we will take our #mobilemakeovers bus out for the first time to provide 5-10 makeovers. Not only are we excited, we can’t wait to see the type of impact the bus will have on those who are in need and need an extra push!



Clark Kent, Not Superman!

I just want to give you a heads up… You are not about to read a Superman blog… More like a Clark Kent blog… Why? Simple. Because I don’t want to be another leader hiding behind a red cape.

superman_logo_hd_wallpaper.jpgIf I can be honest, it’s been almost 4 1/2 days since I’ve been off of the bus, and it has been extremely hard readjusting to normally life. In fact, the first two nights were very restless and unsettling. Why? I couldn’t help but think about others out there suffering in the cold (who were experiencing what I experienced).

Although I know it isn’t my fault, I still feel compassion toward those who are without, and am pursuing ideas to help people permanently this year.

Yes, I have been able to get some rest, but have sill had to deal with some unfortunate life experiences as well. For instance, my wife and I had a grandmother to pass of cancer just yesterday, and our son got sick in the same day (having to be rushed to the hospital). Literally, while headed to be with family after a loss, we ended up in the ER with our son. This was a Clark Kent day…

Not only did these things happen, I had another grandmother get ill, and have still had to process tons of other opposition I faced while on the bus.

I think one of the greatest leadership misconceptions is that people think that you are supposed to be strong through every single thing. Here is a newsflash, no one is that strong. In fact, leaders shouldn’t put themselves in this type of imprisoning bubble. Sometimes leadership is about being Clark Kent. Why? Because it shows people that we are all fragile, and at any given moment can fall victim to life circumstances. 

What has kept me during this transition; it has been God’s sustaining strength (Phil 4:13), family, and a few friends. In no way am I trying to over spiritualize where I am, but I am confessing that it has been my faith that has carried me thus far… Why share this part? Simple. Because I am not Superman. I don’t have a cape…I have faith in a God that’s strong, and able to do the impossible.

You are probably wondering if staying on a bus is still worth it to me? My answer is still, yes. Yes it was worth people being educated. Yes it was worth seeing a few brothers form a relationship with God. And yes, it has been worth starting the beginning of what is to come with the #mobilemakeovers bus!


The day I was let go!

Everything is perfect right… You are taught, “Get a job… Be consistent in that job… Get tons of education… Apply what you’ve learned… Pay your bills on time… Take care of your family (if you choose to get one)… AND everything will work out for you as long as you are a smart, positive, productive, and a moral citizen…” Right? Wrong!

Life has a way of taking even the simplistic desires of our heart(s) and flipping them upside down…leaving you to wonder, “Is something wrong with me?” or better yet, “Am I not doing something right?…”

How do I know? Well, life was going well…I was working on staff at a church, caring for my family, and started Love Beyond Walls in my spare time… Well, seven days after Easter of this year (2014) I was called into the church office (where I was on staff), and laid off for starting Love Beyond Walls. I think the phrase was, “I think you should go do that 100% because you are not a fit anymore…” 

If you haven’t figured it out yet, this is where life flips everything upside down…and I was left on the bottom… My heart stopped…In fact, I’m in tears writing this because I felt ashamed to share it at first.

Initially, when I started #lovebeyondwalls I was only devoting part-time energy to it, and had tons of volunteer help (still have a great team). In fact, the organization’s success is not because of me, but because of the team my wife and I have around us…

But, soon LBW began to grow,  gain a little attention and involvement, and suddenly I was told “You are not a fit anymore…It’s not what we do…”

But wait, isn’t this the church’s mission? Love God, Love People, and Serve the least of these? It is….But, at some churches (NOT ALL) it is more about what goes on inside the four walls of the church instead of the people outside the walls that need the love of God, and the good news (not apologizing for stepping on toes, but it is true).

Yes, you heard me… I was given a pink slip, and even told not to come back to the church anymore. Why? I hadn’t done anything criminal or out of line. I just wanted to love on people who I know that God loves, but do not have a voice. However, I have chosen to forgive the mistreatment I received.

In fact, it happened about five days before we launched a campaign called #closetstrike… A campaign where our organization raised awareness about children who attend title 1 schools, and have to wear the same thing every single day because they lack resources at home. I started wearing one outfit every single day (for 90 days), and had to deal with not having a job because of a lay off.

Not only has this been the most difficult journey of my life, it has been the most rewarding too… I have served others with love, compassion, and grace knowing in the back of my mind I could relate to them even more. How have I been able to do it… Simple. HOPE, FOCUS, SUPPORT, AND GOD’S STRENGTH!

Since my layoff, God has provided for my family, and the work we are doing through selfless individuals who see value in our work.

But, if I could be honest this layoff has been both a blessing and a challenge. It has been a blessing because I have been devoted more to building our organization and seeing more impact, but it has been a challenge because I haven’t been able to find more employment with four degrees in one of the worse states for the jobless (GA).

Why put this out there? Simple. It’s to let people know that God does still move in the midst of pain, and in the midst of loss. It is to let people know that you can persevere and build something even though HELL itself is suggesting you should stop and quit. The only thing that has keep me going has been my family and knowing that I am supposed to take hope and love to people who want to throw in the towel.

But here is the good news…We have grown a little more, and in about 15 days, I’m going to release one of the biggest projects we have ever worked on in our lives as an organization.

I can’t wait to write more about the journey I am weathering and our attempt to beat it by doing more good, and serving more people with the love of God.

Below is a picture of a bus we were recently donated… We will share our vision for how we will reach more with it in the coming days.




2 days down 88 to go…

88 more days to go! Only outfit I own at this point. This morning was extremely humbling… Why? Because when you don’t have options, you must be grateful for what little you have… Below is the one outfit that I have committed myself to for 90 DAYS during the awareness campaign #closetstrike

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Plant Love Campaign

We are approaching a historic month for #lovebeyondwalls! Why? Because in the month of April we will occupy our first office/slash storage space. Below is a picture if you have seen it yet:

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Of course it is not a gigantic building, but it will be something we call a headquarters & home.

It will be a “launchpad” for the work we would like to continue doing in our city (ATL), country, and world.

It will be a place where we can get planted and grow as an organization. We ask that you do four specific things to help us get planted into our new office/storage space in the month of April (whole month).

1) Pray – I ask that you pray that God allows us to get planted, and immediately continue to reach people who do not have any hope.

2) Give – I ask that you look at our simple “wish list” and contribute in of the items on it that we need. This is ALL from scratch, so we will need your help. But, if we have to spend the first month on the floor with laptops working, we are cool with that too. LOL. Simply click [HERE] to visit our “wish list” page.

3) Volunteer  – We will post the days that we will start working on the building to clean it, and make minor repairs to it. We ask that you volunteer to help get our building together. We will need help getting organized, painting, etc. Why? As we get planted, we can help more people.

4) Share our story – If you know someone who could help us move forward, share our story. You never know who “you know” that we can help, or could help us.

Thank you for reading this blog. Pray for #lovebeyondwalls as we aim to “PLANT LOVE” in the city of Atlanta! Below is the graphic for the new campaign #plantlove

plantlove-office-instagram Terence

The Countdown Begins (7 DAYS AWAY)

I don’t know what to think this morning…

It’s (5AM), and I am literally 7 days away from doing the second most daring thing I have ever done in my life. I have never walked 30 miles before (it will take 12 hours to complete)!

I am literally nervous and excited at the same time. I’m in constant preparation of my mind and body to make this happen!

However, I honestly have three fears:

1) I won’t make it.

2) I won’t make it.

3) I won’t make it.

LOL. I’m going to need every ounce of support I can get–including prayers, and anything else that will help me to get through.

One plus I do have is that I’ll have my personal trainer walking with me… He is going to be there the entire journey. Also, other people will probably join in on the journey as well. Will you?

Today, I am mediating on a scripture found in 2 Corinthians 12… The writer is very transparent in this verse (speaking of his personal limitations), and then is encouraged with a thought from God.

 “But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” (2 Corinthians 12:9, NIV)

I am praying that God continues to give #lovebeyondwalls the strength to raise awareness and impact the lives of people!


5 Reasons I'm Glad to Be a Father

This morning,

I walked into my son’s room, and just stood over him watching… Of course he was sleeping, but I just stood there in awe that he turned three years of age this morning. Let’s sing….”Happy Biiiiiiiiirrrrrrrrthhhhhh day toooooooo yoooooooou” I’m joking.

2013-09-29 08.36.36-2However, not only did reflect on the privilege I have been given to father both my children, I started to thank God for the opportunity he has given me with my children… God is allowing me to give my children some of the things I lacked growing up (we ALL lacked things…).

As I stood and watched, I jotted down five reasons I am glad to be a father to my children. Do you want to see my list? Here goes:

1) Children need fathers. Fathers have a special precence and voice in the life of a child. A grown man can break down from hearing his father say, “I love you” or “I’m proud of you” after not hearing it all his life… When the voice of a father goes lacking, children are left to rely on other things to fill those voids. Therefore, children need fathers or some type of male presence in their life.

2) Children need models. I’m not perfect by far, but I am glad the I have a chance to share, mentor, teach, and model things in our home that can be gleaned by my children. I truly believe in shared equal responsibilities between a husband and wife, but a father can set the tone for the house in many ways. In fact, it seems like my children attempt to do things that I do already… I’m just glad I have the opportunity not to be perfect before them, but to be before them doing the best I can…

3) Children need support. When children grow up without the proper support system, it’s easy to be emotionally damaged, or lose a sense of direction and self. A father can play a huge role in this area lending their voce, experience, and unconditional love to his child(ren)…This can provide guidance, wisdom, and insight along the way.

4) Children need time. Of course we all have busy schedules, technology, calendars, and a number of other things to do, but quality time from a father helps the child feel that “love” is present. I love interacting with my children because it lets them know that they are both special and valuable.

5) Children need a spiritual foundation. As a father, I am glad that I have a chance to not only model but teach and redirect. I have leaned a lot from bumping my head, and making wrong decisions. All of that experience enables me to teach my children what to do, and what not to do… With that being said, I am making it a priority to make sure they develop a spiritual foundation and learn about the God of the universe. Why? Because even though my wife and I are there, it is God almighty that will unfold their lives.

With that being said, I am grateful that I am a father to Zion Joy & Terence II!

