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Displaying Empathy To Others

Having “Empathy” means:

1. Having the ability to “walk in someone else’s shoes” for as long as You need to connect with them in order to be able to feel what they are feeling.

2. Wanting to understand what they are going through and show them they are not alone.

3. Not judging their situation in any way, not making yourself the Saviour and them the Victim.

4. Seeing them as they are. Offering them the space of your empathic presence allows them to feel seen and accepted. From there on, change and healing can take place.

Be empathic and #lovebeyondwalls

LBW Team

Meeting at Center + Second Screening

MORE TICKETS AVAILABLE: Today, we had a meeting with the Center For Civil & Human Rights (@ctr4chr), and learned that we have a few more tickets available.

If you haven’t already, grab some extra tickets before they are all gone again.

If you have a heart for those experiencing homelessness and poverty, this film is for you.

To claim your free ticket, visit

Seats are going fast.

#voicelessfilm #lovebeyondwalls

LBW Team

You will not believe this!

Over the last couple of months, our organization has been intentional about giving people experiencing homelessness untraditional housing to get them off of the streets, and provide a place to stay that’s safe.

If we can be honest, it’s been messy, hard, confusing, and fun all at the same time. We’ve laughed with them, have had the privilege of celebrating successes, and have talked through struggles.

Long story short, we’ve just taken what’s in front of us and have used it to serve those who are forgotten.

Little did we know that a family was watching our work with using trailers to provide housing.  Well, this same family reached out and donated our organization this RV trailer! Wow is all we can say!

We can’t wait to reveal what this will become for our next campaign. 

LBW Team

Day of Love & Christmas Deliveries

This past Saturday, we partnered with Revolution Church, CoveredBridge Church, Bronner Bros. & a well-known studio to serve many families for the Holidays.

We had over 50 volunteers loving on 250+ families in College Park. Not only did we serve them, but we prayed for tons of people who expressed their pains, hurts, and fears.

This coming Saturday, we are delivering the gifts collected for the families we adopted for Christmas.

Check out some of the pictures below!

If you’d like to make a year end contribution, support our work [HERE].




LBW Team