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Seven nights – Hardship & one week

If I could be honest, I have experienced many hardships in the first week of living on top of the bus for 30 days! Below are the top seven hardships:

1) It has rained two nights out of the seven nights. Both nights I got very little sleep.

2) I have received hate mail, and shots taken at me for sleeping on top of the bus.

3) I have spent tons of hours in solitude (which can be a great thing as well)

4) I am sleeping in a very confined space, and it gets tiring being in a cramped up space.

5) It has been very emotional at times knowing that we have a strong desire to serve those who are less fortunate.

6) It has been very cold. Although I am in a warm space, it ca be very difficult when I want to get some fresh air, and the cool air pushes me back into the tent.

7) I still have a long way to go. In fact, I have 23 more nights to live on top of the bus.

Although these hardships are real, I know that God is with me, in me, and leading #lovebeyondwalls to do more good for people who are often times forgotten about.


We put Graffiti on the Bus – Take the bus!

Have you every wanted to see something happen so bad that you would be willing to do whatever it took to see it through, and make sure it happened.

Well, that’s the exact space I’m in right now. Around Sept, we were donated a bus, and dreamed of launching a mobile bus that would provide full makeovers (barbershop, closet, and showers) to this who were in need in the city of Atlanta. And, honestly it has been a really slow process.

I didn’t think we’d transform the bus over night, but each day that passes, I am becoming more and more compassionate about making over communities by building relationships, and launching a program that will give people skills who are in need. Especially after seeing the tragic events that have taken place with people killing homeless people in the city of Atlanta, the horrible police brutality cases, and encountering more families with youth in desperate need.

In fact, we are so passionate about this, I am about to stay on the bus a total of 30 nights until we can raise the funds to change this bus so we can reach people. This is by far the craziest thing I have ever attempted to do, but I am this fired up to see our organization play a major part in stopping violence, providing dignity to those in need, and serving more people as time progresses.

I am literally six days away from staying on top of a bus for 30 days to raise awareness about the need to see lives change. Below is a picture of the bus we have spray painted and put a ramp on top of where I’ll be staying.



Help Us Change Lives – Mobile Makeovers!

This past Saturday, we launched one of our most heartfelt campaigns called “Mobile Makeovers” on indiegogo! Simply put, we are aiming to raise funds to retrofit a 30 passenger bus and turn it into a mobile barbershop, closet, and shower to serve homeless individuals in the city of Atlanta, and under resourced communities.

Mobile Makeovers – Mobile Barbershop, Closet, & Shower from Love Beyond Walls on Vimeo.

In fact, the top five reasons we need your help getting this project off the ground is simple:

1) It will help us reach people who have no hope, and do not have a voice.

2) It will help us to restore dignity back to those who have been dehumanized or marginalized by poverty.

3) It will help us bring agencies, churches, and individuals together to do good in the city and love on people.

4) It will help us see total life change in the lives of those we serve that are ready to make that step!

5) It will help us educate more people about poverty, homelessness, and social ills that plague communities.


Above are real reasons why we feel we should take this bus and do something amazing with it to impact real people experiencing real problems. There are four ways you can get involved:

1) You can pray–pray that God blesses us to complete this project.

2) You can share–share the story of this project.

3) You can give-give toward our 50K goal by clicking the image.

4) You can serve–volunteer to serve to help us retrofit the bus.

Overall, we would just like to give our small token back to society in a major way.



One Day – Two Serve Locations

This coming Saturday will be pretty huge for how we share love in the city! For the firs time, we will disperse to separate serve teams out into the city to serve both downtown and in College Park for Thanksgiving!

Not only will we have an opportunity to share love with those who are homeless, but we will also take love to under resourced families in College Park! We are calling this #loveonthego


LBW Team

Thanksgiving LOVE!

This Thanksgiving, we’re adopting two apartment complexes we’ve gotten a chance to know in College Park. If you’d like to contribute to our #lovebaskets, drop items off at our Love Beyond Walls Headquarters, or serve with us on this day by clicking [HERE]!

LoveOnTheGo2 2

LBW Team

First Film Screening was Amazing!

This past Saturday, we encountered a little over 100 people on the campus of Ga Tech to preview our first film (Love in The Trenches)! It was an amazing experience. People stood around, engaged in conversation, looked at many of our art pieces, and got a chance to preview the film.

It was amazing because two minutes into the film, people instantly connected and started shedding tears. We all cried, laughed, and ultimately left inspired to make a difference in the world around us.

We will release the film this week on Vimeo’s platform show viewers who were not able to see it…  Below are some cool pics from our first screening at Ga Tech. IMG_8699IMG_8914



Leadersource 1.0 – Saturday

This coming Saturday (20th), a small group of fifteen leaders will visit our headquarters (in College Park), sit around tables in our idea room, and learn leadership, technology/communication, storytelling, and outreach lessons we’ve learned over the last 8 and a half months we’ve been around.

We are calling it leadersource 1.0 because we believe leaders should have small gatherings that teaches, trains, and resources them with vital information to do effective work in the 21st Century. Our passion is to create idea-based environments where leaders can study and have hands-on training… This type of environment is the best way for leaders to learn, and discover ideas that will help them in what God has called them to.

If we are honest, many leaders wrestle with (in the 21st Century):

  • Not knowing their purpose.
  • Not seeing themselves as having anything to contribute to this life.
  • Thinking very little of themselves and not having access to the “secret sauce.”
  • Not knowing how they are wired and where they win.

So…….Whether it be non-profit work, church work, or a start-up small business there are unique things can be gathered from open dialogue.

