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LBW & Woodward Academy

Yesterday, #lovebeyondwalls presented at Woodward Academy (to student leaders & staff) and shared the story surrounding the #mobilemakeovers bus, reasons for being compassionate, and issues surrounding those faced with poverty & homelessness. We are excited to see what project the students launch to assist us with our bus project!


LBW Team

"Man or Male" Supports Love Feeds!

This past weekend, Derrick Bailey (Principal in Cobb) dropped off several boxes of food raised from a young men’s mentoring group called, “Man or Male.”

This group shows young men the importance of having character and integrity throughout their life. We will use these donations to resource many families that are food insecure in the area where our office is located.


LBW Team


Floors are in the bus!

For the last month or so (since I got off the bus), our team has be diligently working to get the bus up and on the road! It has taken tons of sacrifice, effort, and focus to work on the bus. Along the way, God has sent some really cool people to help out.








On Wednesday, Dave and Darren decided to lay the floors in the bus. As you can see from the picture below, the bus is really starting to change and transform on the inside…










Although we have won’t immediatly have the showers installed (still have more funds to raise), we are aiming to get the bus on the road to start mobilizing barbers/stylist, and people who want to make people over with the closet inside the bus.



Help us to continue to make a difference. We’re participating in the 5th annual ‘IKEA Life Improvement Co-worker Challenge’ – a program that gives our charity the chance to win a makeover from IKEA (16th Street Location). This makeover will help us create a training space for those in the community that is functional, inviting and well-designed — a place our community can feel welcome and comfortable.

Participating is simple. All you have to do is go to and vote for (‪#‎lovebeyondwalls‬). You can vote once a day from February 16th until March 2nd. It’s that easy! To vote, click the image below. Thanks for your support!


LBW Team

Bus Update – One Step Closer

This past weekend, we prepped the bus by blacking out the important parts! Can’t believe it is going in to be wrapped tomorrow. After it comes out, the first phase of construction will happen on the 21st.

If you are an electrician, contractor, or skilled worker hit us up, we need your skills (email! One step closer.


LBW Team

The Halfway Point – 15 Nights Straight

This morning, I opened the tent and it was wet again. It’s always hard when it rains because it makes the journey feel that much more intense.














For the last 15 days, I have been living on top of a bus in College Park, GA to raise awareness about people in need that we are hoping to make over with our #mobilemakeovers bus! I am aiming to go a full 30 DAYS.

Honestly, I can’t believe I have survived this long because of the weather, and the intensity of this journey.

I know it is only by God’s strength that I have not given up. God has been carrying me the distance, and given me more compassion about the cause.

Additionally, my wife has pushed me by caring for our children, and stepping up in a few places that I have had to pulled back from during this journey. She has been encouraging me the entire journey! In fact, she has sent me scriptures, and quotes to keep me uplifted.

There are so many lessons I’ve learned on top of this bus about trusting God completely, the importance of simplicity, blocking out the absence or negativity of people, persevering through rough times, and the importance of maintaining pure integrity and character.

Well, I am at the halfway point, and I am still believing that God will use this bus and our project to do something fascinating in the lives of those we seek to serve. I can’t wait to see what’s to come of this!
