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The Countdown Begins (Day 45 BUSY WEEK)

We have a pretty busy week this week…

On Thursday, we will be partnering with Mundy’s Mill Middle School (interviewing with 40+ students about homelessness, and discussing ways in which we can combat it).

On Saturday, we will be passing out socks again from 8AM-9AM (in many locations downtown Atlanta), and afterwards we will be partnering with Area 1 Young Men’s Conference at South Cobb High School (to speak with 200+ young men about DREAMS & making wise decisions).

On top of these, I am still on my 50 day journey. It’s been five days of eating healthy, and drinking water. Continue to pray for my strength, and #lovebeyondwalls. We are making small steps forward.



The Countdown Begins (Day 46 ONE MONTH UPDATE)

Today we celebrate what God has done and will continue to do! We have a different scorecard… We don’t count how many people sit in seats, or dollars & budgets… We measure the feet we mobilize on the ground loving people with the love of God. Below is our one month update for #lovebeyondwalls


The Countdown Begins (Days 48&47 FOCUSED)

Yesterday was was both hard and emotional… Not only did it rain and pour down, but our team encountered many homeless people who literally were standing out in the rain without shelter (getting soaked)… Their clothes were wet, and we even encountered some who did not have on shoes (just socks and flip-flops). It was hard seeing God’s people without safety, refuge, or hope.2014-01-11 08.35.02-1


That’s why when we go out, we try to listen to stories, get to know people, and restore dignity back to what some would classify as “invisble people.” Although hard, it gives me hope knowing that God can use #lovebeyondwalls to pray for people, and love on them right where they are…2014-01-11 09.41.25-1

Also, my wife and one of our teammates went into a shelter yesterday and saw over 60 kids, and many mothers who were with very few resources… My wife said,

“When we walked in… it was like nothing I had even seen before… kids sitting there under-dressed, and mothers hoping that someone would bring their children some food and clothing…It broke my heart…We have got to keep raising awareness”

This alone is enough for me to remain FOCUSED and continue this journey toward our second campaign to raise awareness (I can’t wait to share what it is…)

Thinking about yesterday… I guess I’m filled with compassion right now… I want the world to know that there are many redeemable stories and people… I want the world to hear those who go unheard… I want God’s people to have a sense of dignity restored back to them!

Not only has reflecting on stories above ignited something in me, my homeless friend Tony ignited something in me when I was able to pay him back 100 pairs of socks for him giving me his last pair of socks the first night I went homeless. Below is a picture of my friend and I…2014-01-11 09.32.33-1

I ask that you pray for #lovebeyondwalls, for me as I continue to prepare myself for this next awareness campaign, and for people to join in our on next campaign to raise awareness.


The Countdown Begins (Day 49 NO EXCUSES)

This morning, I have to be honest… I asked myself & God, “Can I really do this?” “Can I really get prepared in 50 days?” 

I tried making excuses… “Maybe I can do something else…Or, maybe I can find somebody else to do this with me… Or, better yet… Maybe I can say it is too hard…”

Then I shook myself out of it, and gave myself what “kid president” calls, “A Pep Talk…people” 


Why did I ask these questions and make these excuses though? Because I looked at my weight on the scale yesterday, and surprisingly the scale revealed a shocking number that not only pained me, but revealed how unhealthy I have lived (in my eating habits) over the last few years. Are you ready? I weigh 260lbs (I need to lose 25-30lbs)… This is the most I have ever weighed in my life. Of course, I am big guy, but I am not comfortable with that.

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As a matter of fact, my “weight” number shocked me so much I dropped down on the floor and asked God to help me get my life healthier so I can be transformed personally, and physically prepare to raise awareness for my homeless friends. Isn’t it amazing that before we can fully help others we must be willing to transform ourselves?

I know we all make health commitments throughout the year, and soon break them with inconsistency. But, when I saw this something happened in me… I was reminded of how important my health is, and how important it is to remain healthy if you are homeless (living on the streets)…

When I was homeless for 72 hours, I encountered many people who had medical conditions that were life-threatening. In fact, many people revealed how those conditions increased when they started living on the streets with no resources.

I clenched my fist, looked at the scale and said… “I’ve got to change… I’ve got to beat this so I can raise more awareness for my friends…Lord, I can do all things through you… NO EXCUSES…”

Ever feel like you need supernatural strength to make it? Well, over the next 49 days that’s what I am going to rely on (God’s strength).

Yesterday was rough, but I found support…I reached out to an old friend that does personal training… His name is Lucien. We attended the same High School (Westlake), and it “just so happened” that he lives in the neighborhood across the street and runs “bootcamps” at parks. Without thinking, he told me he’d help me train to get the weight off for this big challenge that I am about to embark on in 49 days. I agreed and began exercising yesterday along with changing my eating habits (water only, and clean foods).

THIS IS HARD PEOPLE… I had two meetings in Chick-Fil-A yesterday. LOL.

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Can you do something to help? Yes! I need you to pray, hold me accountable via social media, and push me until I am ready to reveal #lovebeyondwalls‘ next challenge to raise awareness about one of many social ills we care so much about.



The Count Down Begins (Day 50)

Today, I got up extremely early (4AM) to think about how hard of a challange this is going to be (my next awareness campaign)…Yes, it will be just as hard as going homeless for 72 hours. As a matter of fact, this has got to be the second most daring thing I have ever attempted to do to raise awareness about a community of people that I care so much about (the homeless community).

It is so challenging, that I am literally having to lose 30lbs before I attempt to do what I feel God is placing on my heart to do. Why? Because in order for this to work, I must transform myself too (and get healthy). Over the last few years, I have become overweight due to stress, over-eating, and simply because I love to “throw down” in the kitchen…LOL. However, that must stop!!!!! (If you are an eater, you can relate)

IMG_0298Starting today I am going to attempt to lose tons of pounds by eating right, and excersing (something that I have started and stopped for a long time).

Many people are probably wondering why I am doing things to raise awareness about homelessness… Well, like I tell everyone I meet…

Imagine being a person who could not speak up for yourself…

Imagine being a person who had a story that nobody hears or cares about…

Imagine being looked down upon by society and only loved on by a few…

Imagine endless possibilities of hopelessness…See my heart yet?

I envision #lovebeyondwalls being a non-profit agency that echoes the voices of the unheard…overlooked…and outcasted…

Therefore, whatever extremes I have to take to help people’s stories to be heard, I am going to do it. I am giving my life to this (MLK said give your life to something and die for it…) However, isn’t this what Jesus did? He roamed the earth standing up for a world far from right-standing with God, and gave his life so that people could be reconciled and restored back to God. And, if this is true…I am following Jesus.

There are three reasons why I am losing weight:

1) If I don’t lose weight…this campaign may kill me.

2) If I don’t lose weight…this campaign may not be completed.

3) If I don’t lose weight…this campaign will be extremely hard.

Are you wondering what it is yet? Well, track along with me until mid-January to find out…I am releasing the next #lovebeyondwalls awareness campaign!

Today, is Day 1 on my “50 Day Count Down” as I attempt to get myself together before trying to accomplish the unimaginable for my homeless friends. 


What To Do With 6K Socks?

So, a few have asked “What are you going to do with all those socks…?” 

Below is my answer…

For the next two Saturdays (Jan 11th & Jan 18th 8AM-10AM), we are going to mob out into the streets of Atlanta to pass out every sock that we collected this past Saturday (to our brothers and sisters who live on the streets). We are asking people to come out with us to join a few members on our team distribute these socks….

How will this be different? Simple. Our approach is different…

Instead of the normal passing out things and leaving, we want to encourage people who serve with us to discover stories, learn needs, and build relationships. A restorative work cannot happen if trust and a relationship is not established. Additionally, we are creating consistency among this important population, not events.

I envision #lovebeyondwalls being both a mobilization agency (of doers) but also a collaborative organization that partners with other groups and individuals who desire to make a difference in the world (not one time a year, but every single day).

If you’d like to serve with us the coming two Saturdays, hit us up [HERE] or shoot an email to the email on the flyer…




Snippet Interview @ Relevant Church

Below is a snippet from the interview at Relevant Church… Pastor Carl asked me to give closing remarks about this tweet:

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Below is the snippet…


[embedplusvideo height=”500″ width=”500″ editlink=”″ standard=”″ vars=”ytid=xtz_iKbd28I&width=500&height=500&start=&stop=&rs=w&hd=0&autoplay=0&react=1&chapters=&notes=” id=”ep8059″ /]

5 Reasons I'm Glad to Be a Father

This morning,

I walked into my son’s room, and just stood over him watching… Of course he was sleeping, but I just stood there in awe that he turned three years of age this morning. Let’s sing….”Happy Biiiiiiiiirrrrrrrrthhhhhh day toooooooo yoooooooou” I’m joking.

2013-09-29 08.36.36-2However, not only did reflect on the privilege I have been given to father both my children, I started to thank God for the opportunity he has given me with my children… God is allowing me to give my children some of the things I lacked growing up (we ALL lacked things…).

As I stood and watched, I jotted down five reasons I am glad to be a father to my children. Do you want to see my list? Here goes:

1) Children need fathers. Fathers have a special precence and voice in the life of a child. A grown man can break down from hearing his father say, “I love you” or “I’m proud of you” after not hearing it all his life… When the voice of a father goes lacking, children are left to rely on other things to fill those voids. Therefore, children need fathers or some type of male presence in their life.

2) Children need models. I’m not perfect by far, but I am glad the I have a chance to share, mentor, teach, and model things in our home that can be gleaned by my children. I truly believe in shared equal responsibilities between a husband and wife, but a father can set the tone for the house in many ways. In fact, it seems like my children attempt to do things that I do already… I’m just glad I have the opportunity not to be perfect before them, but to be before them doing the best I can…

3) Children need support. When children grow up without the proper support system, it’s easy to be emotionally damaged, or lose a sense of direction and self. A father can play a huge role in this area lending their voce, experience, and unconditional love to his child(ren)…This can provide guidance, wisdom, and insight along the way.

4) Children need time. Of course we all have busy schedules, technology, calendars, and a number of other things to do, but quality time from a father helps the child feel that “love” is present. I love interacting with my children because it lets them know that they are both special and valuable.

5) Children need a spiritual foundation. As a father, I am glad that I have a chance to not only model but teach and redirect. I have leaned a lot from bumping my head, and making wrong decisions. All of that experience enables me to teach my children what to do, and what not to do… With that being said, I am making it a priority to make sure they develop a spiritual foundation and learn about the God of the universe. Why? Because even though my wife and I are there, it is God almighty that will unfold their lives.

With that being said, I am grateful that I am a father to Zion Joy & Terence II!

