Today is day three of Love Beyond Wall’s #HIREMARK Campaign.
On day one, Mark and Terence printed his resume, Mark opened his first bank account in five years, and they hit the streets to pass out his resume.

On day two, Terence and Mark stood outside the CNN center to pass out his resume, and Mark had his first job interview.
Now, on day three, Mark and Terence were interviewed by a news station this morning and will be on the six-o’clock evening news.
What’s happened in the last three days is amazing. The campaign has organically reached over 50,000 people. But this campaign has been much more than the last few days they’ve shared on social media.
For Terence and Mark, the last three days have actually been the result of an entire year of work. The year has been filled with ups and downs. Slow progress, reconnecting with lost family members and getting the right identification to take the next step forward.
Joblessness is not a problem that keeps just Mark on the streets. It keeps thousands of people living under bridges and sleeping on sidewalks every day. So many factors keep the homeless unemployed: lack of transportation, lack of childcare, no identification, low-levels of education, criminal history, little previous work experience, etc.
Love Beyond Walls hopes that this story would inspire and show people what it looks like to walk alongside one another through life’s challenges.
While Mark was sharing his story with the people he met on the streets he was told over and over again how encouraging and inspiring his transformation was.
“I realize how very fortunate and lucky I am,” said one man.
Another passerby said, “I’m on my way to work and wanted to complain, but I realize what a blessing this all is.”
Most of us are just one paycheck or unexpected event away from losing it all. This is not just Mark’s story, this is the struggle of us all.
Love Beyond Walls exists to serve on the frontlines to show others how to walk alongside people to restore their lives. Get involved here.