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This morning, I am reflecting on last Saturday. Why? Because not only did #lovebeyondwalls make history (walking the longest distance in GA for homelessness), we got a chance to meet some really cool people along the way. Below are seven lessons I learned while walking thirty miles… Maybe these can apply to you in some way! I share these because I almost did not make it walking 15 hours straight!

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1) In order to persevere, you must keep your mind focused on the main thing — Whenever you set out to do something, staying focused on the bigger picture will help you to make it through… This one of the reasons we made it! We remained focused on the vision God had before us.

2) It’s okay to push the envelop to help others — Taking a risk can move people to respond and get involved. However, sometimes you may have to start alone and trust that God will bring others along to help. One of the reasons #lovebeyondwalls walked was to give those who have no voice a voice.

3) You cannot complete anything great alone — Whenever you set out to do something great, it takes a team. There were thousands supporting #lovebeyondwalls via social media, hundreds supporting along the way, and several others who made the walk with #lovebeyondwalls.

4) You must rest for long journeys — This point is synonymous with life. There is no way around resting. Life is a marathon, not a sprint. If we did not take small breaks, our bodies would have shut down.

5) You must have a plan — You’ve got to have a plan before you attempt to do anything. Knowing, studying, and preparing the route before hand helped my personal trainer and I mentally/physically prepare for the walk.

6) You must be vulnerable — In order to grow, or accomplish anything you’ve got to be open. There was a point where I had to use two brothers as crutches to make the last 9 miles. My knee was shot, and I had to let go, and ask for help to make it.

7) You’ve got to resolve not to stop until you’re finished & trust God — Sometimes you’ve got to have a resolve in your heart and know that this is what God has called you to do. This takes determination, resilience, and faith. If it wasn’t for my faith, I would have given up. But, God strengthened me every step of the way.



Terence Lester

Author Terence Lester

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